International Cricket 2010 news later today

The screenshots are depressing, they look exactly like AC09 with new kits. The video is a bit more encouraging though
Good to see the stumps getting shattered. Have we seen any test kits yet?

Who is that man? Isn't that the guy who got whacked for 6 sixes in an over by Yuvi? They could have picked someone with more appeal, hopefully we'll see someone different in AU box.

Though glad to see new info on the game and the trailer.

Who is that man? Isn't that the guy who got whacked for 6 sixes in an over by Yuvi? They could have picked someone with more appeal, hopefully we'll see someone different in AU box.

Though glad to see new info on the game and the trailer.

I think it is a good move....who better to represent something that has lots of promise but fails to really deliver.....Stuart Broad!:p
They are just trying to tap into the female and homosexual communities. If Yuvraj is the King of Fail then Broad is his queen.

Should have been Swanny
That'll encourage drink driving past police stations. I'd defo get it for that :p
If swanny is in the cover codies will have to make an policestation a pub and some good drunk driving simulator in the game
I think we are going to see this game pretty soon: they were talking about Q2 and the World Cup is coming soon........could be very soon?
Ok if they want it not to be pirated
codies should do something about the modding aspect ?
means even if an indian buys the game he has to play with fake kits :(

but there is a solution they can make the same .big.w32 on xbox so using hdd transfer kit we can tranfer the big file and install latest kits using big editor:)

I just don't buy this piracy guff. If games can be made tougher to pirate on consoles, why not PC? No excuse. :mad:

And chances are, this game will have the proper amount of content, while we're (PC owners) stuck with Ashes 2009.
You know what? I'm tired of all these discussions about IC10 not being on PC myself, but the more I see about the game the more ridiculous this decision seems. It looks like its only a touchup to AC09, nothing really groundbreaking. Probably half of the work was done in the Open Beta patches. They could just have made the same adjustments they're making in the console versions now, and released it for PC as well. Yeah, the sales would be low, but I'm sure they'd be enough to cover the publishing costs? There are no advertisements costs that I can see of anyways...

But then again, saying that, I also think it is actually irrelevant if this game is not on PC, since its so similar to AC09 anyways. Most I can think is the lack of online with the Open Beta patches but oh well, you can't have everything in this world.
where you get the womens bit from lol

From a sexshop or a whorehouse or if you are lucky you have got a girlfriend....

Anyway it is a long running joke that Stuard Broad actually plays for the England Womens Cricket team.....

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