Is Sehwag the next Lara?

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I simply can't see any similarity in the playing 'style' of Lara and Sehwag.

Only thing they have in common, which others often lack, is the uncanny knack of scoring big time n again. And that ends there only.

No point in comparing the two. Pointless.
Now I'm sure that even the Indian fans on this forum will call this one of the dumbest statements made. I would also like to know what legends said this.

Ravi Shastri, Kapil Dev, Sunil Gavaskar, Sehwag's stats.... what else?

Have you ever seen Lara bat? Or are you just making these claims based on what you saw from Sehwag and heard from someone about Lara?
Sachin's records talk for him not me. What makes you think Sachin is not better than Lara? You are just talking rubbish here. The whole world knows Sachin is better than Lara.

What makes you so sure Lara couldn't do this?

Are you a Perv or something? Did I say Lara can't do this? I think you forget your brain in the closet when you post.

Don't bother replying to him, Dare...

I know, you are so right. You need proofs along with guts to reply strongly which is some people lack like you.
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He's stating his point, but it's like me coming on here and saying something like 9/11 is a conspiracy or aliens made the pyramids or that women should not work but should just stay at home. I'm just stating what I feel, but it is so ridiculously idiotic...

FYI, the comparisons made with Sachin were ages ago when Viru made his debut, and that's only because he actually does look like Sachin height wise and build wise and plays a few shots the same way Sachin does, like the cut. I don't recall anyone saying Viru is the next Tendulkar.
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