Magazine/Website Reviews

to put it into perspective

Last year NOWGamer gave us 4.7... so we've gone up to 5.0 ;p

I think OXM gave us 7 last year as well, which I find odd if it's supposedly much improved... but there you go...
You can tell how it's going to go from the first paragraph. Nothing like some biased condascension to set the tone.

If you scroll through to his stats you'll notice that in 68 reviews his average score given is 6.4. He's a very hard to please reviewer it would seem. Plus AC09 got 4.7 there and, although it wasn't perfect, that seems too low. Make of it what you will.
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What a review, I can't believe it. I think the writer wrote this review after seeing two screen shots of AC10 and started writing a review.

I don't care if they replicate the Menu's of Fifa or Alan Wake. All we need is a realistic game play that makes you feel closer to cricket rest all is secondary.
To be fair these guys wouldn appreciate if the AI was chasing a total down well or setting a target in a realistic fashion!

Normally not worth the paper they are written on!
bet yer official playstion magazine gives it 8 out of 10
thats out this week , so will post that up when its out
will put the xbox one on tonight :)
Mmmm, why do they send people off to review a game when the person involved doesn't know anything about cricket or doesn't enjoy cricket? It is like sending George Bush to write a thesis on Human Relations.
im having doubts about this game now. all the reviews that i have read seem to suggest that this game is not good.

but the review that will make me buy(or not) the game will definitely be PC's.
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im having doubts about this game now. all the reviews that i have read seem to suggest that this game is not good.
People who don't like cricket don't like a cricket game - means it must be doing something right.
^^ I have doubts about your IQ level mate
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he must have played cricket to know this about it

Ah, cricket. The sharp thwack of leather on willow, glasses of Pimm’s on a hot summer’s day, the knowledge that everyone around you is a complete and utter ponce. Hardly the stuff of Friends Lists and meme-based utterances: ‘OMG that n00b got pwned for a duck’. See what we mean? Changes are on the horizon this time, however…

P Squared added 10 Minutes and 23 Seconds later...

^^ I have doubts about your IQ level mate

there was only 1 review which said that ic 2010 is a good game. the rest say it sucks. now im having doubts about your IQ level
best review so far i would give it a 5 aswell its not the best game out there
lets compair it to fifa world cup fifa has 200+ teams all with real names n kits over 40 stadiums in the game n when u play this game it has everything a football game has in real life in ic10 it only has 16 teams where there are many more teams in cricket county, ipl aus etc... only 2 teams have real names & the england team is outdated this is like fifa putting owen in the game well they havent

end of the day this is just a patch to ashes 09 with the extra cam view
It's his opinion, judge the game by yourself. :D
The best thing to do is to hang off a bit. By next week a lot of us will have played the game. Many of them are very knowledgeable about what we need to make a cricket game work well.

It is not going to be perfect and there will be something that some people love and others hate. Just like every single time a cricket game comes out the discussion all boils down to: does it work for me?? I play Cricket 04 regularly. some people hate it. It works for me. Therefor it's a good game, for me.

And this game is well supported by the developers, who regularly show up here to make points clear etc era. Haven't seen that with any other cricket developer. That has to be commended and respected.

I myself have had a lot of criticism about Ashes 09. Once you scratched the surface it was clear that it had been rushed and was not complete.

I was glad that this was also made clear to be the case in the recent interview, although not quite in those words! That gives me hope that people are also willing to stare the problems in the face, not brush over them but go about fixing them! I think they might have done a lot of good work on this one.

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