Make Ashes 13 game code opensource

Trickstar should make ASHES 2013 Opensource

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...even if a good majority of that communication was made-up donkey doo.
I think I Do ,kindly check this link

Unity - Quality - AAA visual fidelity, rendering power and ambience

and yourself then tell me about the potential of unity.

Just because lot of mobile games are developed using unity doesnt mean its mobile engine, it has full graphical prowess and versatility for all platforms,xbox360,ps3,win,mac,android mobile.

Trickstar where limited by their skill with unity not by unity itself.Hope this clears it up for you:cheers

Lol....he wasnt saying that to you :p
The discussion of Ashes Cricket 13 at a discussion website from Indie game developers of the Unity engine was very interesting. Even they could not have worked out if the problem was primarily with the engine, the dev, the mangerial staff or what. One did manage to produce an error report the engine was throwing up and even I had a laugh at it, considering I am severely lacking in knowledge of Unity (or any 3d engine for that matter). They also discussed the huge size of the game files and were trying to work out what it was mostly comprised of (they assumed stupidly large and unoptimized graphic files and uncompressed audio from the commentary). They even worked out what was causing the memory leak issue.

As someone else stated, would be easiler just starting fresh than trying to extract, clean up and fix the code.


Including link.
ya i have seen that and also discussed here
if you go through the game and that unity section you will notice ,that its more of a half finished project ,where the real devs have awoled i guess and some not so good devs have been brought in to package it.(speculation from the state of game and debug logs,& clear lack of simple optimisations,and stitching together just whatever is available )
I get it is always best to start from scratch but we are talking of indie devs and modders,and esp with regards to cricket we cant even get it making assets and code opensource will help as ,they would give a good base in cases applicable.
and memory leaks is mostly due lack of optimisation of assets,which maybe bad as a game but if made opensource would be a great as an asset,because it is easily optimisible and custimisable. its better to animate a smooth animation from existing animation than ,expecting an indie or mod to mocap or keyframe from scratch.

Im not saying this is the only way to go ,but would be beneficial to the community as whole if it happens ,as the opposite is collecting dust .

A good way for trickstar to redeem itself if possible after everything happened.

Important point - Making it opensource does not mean fixing the Game !
It can also be about using parts of it for the betterment or making of completely new projects!
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I am a Unity developer.

I can state is done by totally B.S. developers who know nothing about Unity.

The Trickstar team?s long history of working together, developing and delivering successful game titles has ensured a strong bond within the studio. The team has established a solid Unity technology based production pipeline and have made quality the foundation of the studio.

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