Murali Chucking or NOT ?

he has been bowling this delivery for last few years. If it was breaking the rules he should have been banned then. and why is this issue being raised just as SL have a tour of Australa coming up?
Originally posted by Shailesh
he has been bowling this delivery for last few years. If it was breaking the rules he should have been banned then. and why is this issue being raised just as SL have a tour of Australa coming up?

Hes been bowling the ball and its always been illegal. Its been called before, found suspect before and the ICC have been to gutless to do anything.

It is conclusive that its illegal, no question about it. A true spin great doesnt rely on 1 ball.

Its also go nothing to do with the tour he was called 6-7 weeks ago. Once called you can be called again for 6 weeks while an investiagtion is undertaken.
Do people feel that it was right for the Aus PM to get involved? Seems as a result Murali may not go to Australia now!
Read an article written by people involved in organising the tour, especially to the northern (guessing west) coast (Dont know Australian geography im afraid) and they were saying that they were really annoyed by you PM's comments as Australians up there were really looking forward to the clash of Warne and Murali.
It would be a shame if this did not happen.
I think that Australia need Murli to stay at home. These personal attacks on Murli are not in the spirit of the game. btw, have the ICC delared the dorsa an illegal delivery or simply said the way that Murli bowls it is not allowed.
Australia can put Murali back in his chucking box any day of the week.

Need him to stay at home, you must be kidding yourself. Hes not even world class.
Err ... No. Only Australia seem to complain about Murli. He has never been called for throwing in any other country ... suspious?
Murli is world class - he holds the world record!! His doosra action has only recently been suspicious as he changed it around Jan this year!, and only counts for a very smalll number of wickets since then! His other action has been passed as fine!

I think the majority of people would agree he is world class!
Originally posted by Darren
Murli is world class - he holds the world record!! His doosra action has only recently been suspicious as he changed it around Jan this year!, and only counts for a very smalll number of wickets since then! His other action has been passed as fine!

I think the majority of people would agree he is world class!

You dont know sh*t his action as been crap for year.

Here chucker chucker chucker.
Matt, if his action has been sh*t for a year, then why is it that it was only a couple of months ago that it was questioned by the referee!!

The experts have only recently questioned it, and they are the ones in the know!

Could this be down to the fact that he got to the total before Warne that people started to question it?? I wonder if Warne had not been banned and had got the world record before Murli whether anything would ever have been said.
Our friend Bruce talks sh*t. Probably sneaks on the computer when his mummy isn't looking
Not sure there is really any need to get personal against anyone. This is a good genuine discussion (except for the here chucker chucker comments lol)
The only reason i got personal was because of the here chucker chucker comments

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