My order has been shipped !! :)

my game has been dispatced i will be playing this tommrow on the ps3 n will have to wait till friday for hmv to dispatch this game on the 360
Have a gander at the IC10 forums on Codies website, that will tell you all you need to know about Donko
Have a gander at the IC10 forums on Codies website, that will tell you all you need to know about Donko

His name's Donko, that's all I need to know.

Seriously shopto may look suspect but it's perfectly decent and gets it's preorders out quickest I reckon
Another gem of a thread from him

the Donko challange - Codemasters Forums

i can beat any of u's with my eyes closed in ic10

if u want a test match n i will beat u in 20 overs

in t20 i will tear u apart

in odi well i will still take your wickets in 20 overs

so if u r not a chick chick chicken just bring it

Punjabikilla might have some competition for the "self proclaimed king of Ashes"

I love how hsmith made a reference to that too, shows he really reads the forums
Hey guys my first post so just to let you know my pre order from shopto has been despatched well excited.:D

Please let me know your psn ids as I would like to play online

Mine has been shipped as well. :D
I think a simple server time and ISP check will also reveal Donko is actually in India, he is cussing in Hindi on the codematers forums and his grasp of the English language is tenuous at best.
anyone up for a game tomorrow?

XBOX live ID : 24K4R14 :D
Guys seriously what's with the shopto diss:doh , they are by far the best gaming pre order online shop all of my 43 previous preorders were a day or two early from release date with the exeption of red dead redemption but that was due to rockstar , anyway anyone who has preorderd from shopto will get it tommorow mark my words and will be ic2010 there fore can add me can't wait:)
Yeah i thought donko is india to, he goes on about ipl to much
to be a englishman. Also maybe a kid that gets all his money from his mum.
Its about 5 pounds more than HMV, also the Shopto website looks pretty dodgy to me. I think Ill wait, a few extra days won't kill me.

Also would not be surprised if the online servers don't go up till Friday anyways

hMarka added 0 Minutes and 43 Seconds later...


Canceled from HMV and bought from ShopTo

The currency is in Euros so if you convert, it comes to almost same 28.50 pounds with shipping = $44

They shipped it within half hour of my order through Royal Mail with tracking number so I can trace it. Sounds all legit and way faster then HMV
Well if HMV don't ship mine my tomorrow afternoon Ill order from Shopto.

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