New Patch now available for PC, PS4 (1.07) & Xbox One (

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@WealeyH what sort of modifiers are you using these days? I can't get the balance for batting between too easy and ridiculously hard to time.
What I can't understand is how BA are failing to address the stats issues at every patch? It has been like this since DBC17 and not one of the patches has fixed the glaring issues. Happy to see that gameplay has improved, but it is so disheartening to go through games with the result being rendered useless due to stats being completely messed up
I may as well weigh in with my thoughts, that'll no doubt get lost in the wash of overreaction and mob rule! Rabble rabble rabble!!!

Played 16 overs on the 1st morning of the 2nd test, England (me) v Pakistan (AI, Hard bat, Hard bowl, Veteran). MASSIVE sample size, easily enough to throw grandiose statement about to say things are broken and anyone on the beta team, associated with the beta team, knows someone on the beta team or can spell the word beta should be buried up to their neck in the desert and set upon by fire ants.

  • Pitch is grassy, hard, uneven, light cracks. I lost the toss and I'm batting.
  • I've been batting in pro mode for a while pre patch, so still doing that without the HUD is nice. I like that feature.
  • Timing wise, I've hit probably 80% of my shots early so far, and one resulted in Cook missing and getting bowled. My timing window is 55 with 100 for input, footwork and shot selection (or whatever the bottom 3 sliders are for batting, I'm away from the console right now)
  • I'm certainly noticing a lack of swing, and a lot of seam. I really like it! Helps that I'm playing in England, but I've longed for more seam movement in this game. Don't get me wrong, some swing would be nice and I'm sure it'll be rectified (desert and fire ants permitting), but getting one to nip away and find an edge, or come back through the gate or jag back and hit the pads should be very satisfying. Perfect. Reminds me of this:

I'm sure Michael Clarke wishes Anderson was still in 1.06 build with no seam movement as well ;)
  • I've got shot power to 18, and I'm struggling to get the ball to the boundary, going at about 2.8 per over. Might need to tinker, but awesome not to just be blasting along at 4+ without really trying.
  • It might be timing related, but I'm really struggling to hook and pull the short ball. Twice an over the Pakistan quicks have put a short ball into the ribs, and a backfoot pull barely beats where leg slip/gully would be. In fact, if the AI put one in, there'd be easy wickets. Quite a few shots hit the bat, then hit the body, then roll away. But also, 1 or 2 have absolutely flown like a bullet and I've struggled to run 1 it's gone so fast to the fielder! I also don't seem to be playing a glance at all, everything is a horizontal bat. Could just be the sample size tho.
  • When I decided to buy Ashes after watching multiple videos online, the very first thing I ever did after the disk went into my PS4 was to turn the commentary off. After hearing in the patch notes the commentary had been worked on, I turned it on. I am happy to say it will be going off and staying off. No thanks Slats haha
That's about it for now. Kid is asleep so I'll go back to playing for a while longer until the wife complains that I'm monopolising the TV and cricket is boring. Is there a way that can be patched out?! :-D
I don’t know why,

But turning off batting timing feedback really helps.. you just play rather than obsessing on your timing..
I don’t know why,

But turning off batting timing feedback really helps.. you just play rather than obsessing on your timing..

I usually have it off. But turned it on tonight due to the patch. Wanted to see if shots were/weren't going to the boundary because of the toned down power, my shot power slider, or timing.

Once I feel comfortable with the new changes, I'll turn it back off. I had a good timing drive earlier that didn't reach the rope, so thinking I still have some tinkering to do. I'd like to be rewarded for good shots, but not have everything fly off the bat.
I don’t know why,

But turning off batting timing feedback really helps.. you just play rather than obsessing on your timing..
Just done that exact thing. I was constantly flicking the hud back on to see timing. Having a great time battin, after turning friction down and just accepting there is no swing. Back foot is so much more realistic with it now having a later timing than front foot.
Not sure how it decides to be honest. But I think a fix could cause other issues.
You could be right. I get the feeling that they have built a very brittle code base. Could probably do with a thorough refactoring before they release another version and get rid of some of the technical debt that has accumulated over the various iterations. That said, I am grateful for the patch...the fact that my reaction speed is so abysmal means that I am now generally timing the ball better when batting, whereas before I was invariably late.
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On edges, I’m one that one game gets loads then the next I’m convinced something has changed...

Just lowered Australia’s top order to highest rated Smith 85 the rest lower.

I also lowered Khawaja drive stats to to Be his weakest skill...

Warner first over nicks to keeper

Second over Khawaja nicks to slip on the drive.

Have a tinker boys...
If you dont mind, can you please provide a screenshot of the team skills
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