New Zealand in England

Good weather predicted for the rest of today and tomorrow and the batsman are starting to get into their groove hitting the ball well and running between the wicket well. England could try and bat through until about lunch tomorrow and get a lead of something like 120 and try to bowl them out cheaply.
Yap its sunshine and I love it after 1 hectic week I am watching typical Lord's swing with a cup of Tea. It is pleasure to watch England Playing at Lords as it has been so far.
England dealing good at the Moment, Cook has done his job and now Game is in hand of England's 2 most reliable Batsman. I don't think both teams can avoid the Draw until England get some good lead in next two session and NZ ready to give up tomorrow.
Fare amount of Swing and it’s not easy to bat at the Moment.
Go on Strauss make another 100; we need to answer lot of people here
Not much swing involved with Vettori snapping up wickets and was close to a hat trick, too.
LOLOLOL @ Bumble :D

best post something proper anyway, Vaughan is good.

he'll get out now.
Good old bumble... They love broad don't they. Keep 'bigging' him up batting wise.
Broad's just been bowled by Oram, at least Vaughan is still there. Good player, Broad. His bowling is really shaping up and his batting is fairly useful as well, I reckon he'll be a good England player for years to come.
I haven't been in this thread at all yet this series but I think this is a dismal performance from England again. No disrespect to the Kiwis but we haven't batted or bowled well enough and, even if this test hadn't been rain-effected I'm not sure we would have won it.
We would have, we had a first innings lead, New Zealand's batting line-up, bar McCullum, Oram, Vettori and Taylor is poor/unproven, and their bowlers are nothing special, apart from Vettori. They've played worse than us, Strauss, Cook and Vaughan played very well, especially Vaughan. I thought Strauss was impressive aswell, looked solid, compact, and back to his old self, hopefully he can have a good summer, he might struggle against a decent bowling attack though. I'd love to be optimistic and hope for a win, but the draw's the obvious result, and unless we bowl awesomely in the morning I can't see us winning.
Not much swing involved with Vettori snapping up wickets and was close to a hat trick, too.

I was posting at 11Am GMT and You have posted on 2PM GMT.
3 hours is too much for condition to get changed and Ball was still swinging at 2PM,it just not my fault that English batsmans gave wickets away.
4,5,6 and 7 combined, were outscored by the number 8. KP played an awful shot, he doesn't normally miss by that much. Vaughan was impressive today, very good century.
The delivery from Vettori was a good'un to be fair, it looked like it was going to turn but just skidded on and KP just played the wrong line. It's not like he messed up by trying the reverse sweep or something stupid, he just got a good ball in that period of uncertainty early in an innings. He always looks abit suspect against spin early in an innings, Bell's innings was more dissapointing, he had a start, he should have gone on after facing 35 balls for 16.
He put his pad across the line too much, Vaughan played Vettori a lot better.

My summary has been added to my article *plug*.
Monty must have had 10 appeals tonight! if he bowls like that tomorrow mornin you never know ;) Nah McCullum would blast so many runs we could never chase them in 2 sessions, we don't have anyone as explosive as him. Oh well top orders found a bit of form, middle order inconsistent as ever.
I think any result lies within England's control. It is up to them to rip up NZ and chase an easy target. If NZ somehow manage to get runs with time left, it's still only a matter of how complacent England will be when so close to a draw.
I think a draw is basically certain. There'd have to be some terrible batting, since the pitch is playing very well for what will be the 5th day since there hasn't been much play it's more like a 3rd -4th day.

Vettori was excellent, deserved the hattrick, missed it by the smallest margin. Vaughan was also great, adds to his hundred collection having never got one against us before and will up his modest average vs us. Will be a tough choice for MOTM, but still time to go. My biased vote goes to Vettori for a crucial 48 and 5 wickets, 4 of which being key.

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