New Zealand in England

I like Flynn, he has failed on occasions, but the 49 in the 2nd innings showed something which is always a good sign of a young player. Grit.

The tough pitches in New Zealand will always produce gritty batsman, but to score a 49 after being hit in the face and suffering neurological symptons does take another level of mental strength.
Whilst I would dearly love that to happen, i'm afraid there's more chance of England winning the Euros.

3-2 England for me.
Whilst I would dearly love that to happen, i'm afraid there's more chance of England winning the Euros.

3-2 England for me.

You never know. Webb might run off with the trophy:D

I predict New Zealand to win the series 2-1

Rain in the Rose Bowl and one other venue
New Zealand 3/4/5 - 0. Depends on the weather. We are miles better. England's ODI team looks comparatively weak as our test side.Our only problem will be no Ryder. Wont win a game.
ODI series victories against Australia, India and Sri Lanka with virtually the same side seem to count for nothing these days...
New Zealand 3/4/5 - 0. Depends on the weather. We are miles better. England's ODI team looks comparatively weak as our test side.Our only problem will be no Ryder. Wont win a game.

That's a bit arrogant isn't it?

You beat us 3-1 at home. We have a decent record in home ODIs.
That's a bit arrogant isn't it?

I'll tell you what, it's only as arrogant as some of the English comments about our test side and how England were going to thump us. If you can't take it, don't dish it out.
That's a pretty fair comment actually. He hasn't argued with our predicitions so why do you lot feel the need to argue with his?
He hasn't argued with our points because he knows we're a far superior Test side. New Zealand didn't thrash us at home in the ODi's, and they won't do it away. We beat Sri Lanka in an away ODi series, we beat India in a 7 match ODi series, we're more than capable of beating New Zealand in home conditions. Our ODi side is nowhere near as weak as NZ's Test side, the likes of Wright, Pietersen, Mascheranas, Anderson and Broad will do the business for us I feel. I can see us walking away 3-2 victors in the series, I think it'll go down to the wire though.
I'm way too optimistic now, I expect England to do what they do every time my hopes get up, I go along with irrotev. Though I think Luke Wright is awesome, even though he's not the best batsmen he excites me which is pretty rare, we've only really had KP and Tres. I would like Cook, Wright, Ravi, Kp, Colly. Bell/Shah. What I expect is Cook, Wright, Bell, KP, Colly, Shah.
KP should be at 3. He's our best batsman so should be given plenty of time to score runs, maybe getting him in early would allow him to get his eye in before facing the spinners, who he struggles against early in an innings. If he already has runs under his belt when Vettori and Patel come on then he can reallly attack them and smash them out of the game. Ravi would do well at 4 i think though, with Bell at 5 and Collingwood at 6. Bell will probably end up at 3 though.

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