New Zealand in England

Remember this post people, we can use this in future signatures if South Africa fail to win the series.

I'll remember all you English fan's comments as well. Though we have a bigger selection of posts we can use.
So the test matches are over and we were thumped, well in the thrid one anyways. I just wanted to know from English fans what players from the NZ side would you want to play for England if they could.

McCullum over Ambrose would be most peoples answer, and Vettori over Panesar. Is there anyone else, Taylor, Oram maybe?
I'd definitely have McCullum over Ambrose, and i'd only have Vettori over Panesar because of his batting and fielding. I feel that Panesar's a more threatening bowler, in spinning conditions anyway. Vettori's performed very well with the talent he has, but he's not a great turner of the ball, whereas Monty gets turn and bounce. Taylor would probably fit in with our current middle order trouble instead of Bell, but those are the only 3 i'd want in my England team.
Vettori over Panesar at the moment. But in a few years time I think Panesar will develop into a better bowler tgab Vettori. But for now, Vettorri is the best finger spinner around.
The fact that we've been awful since then and still managed to maintain a healthy position in the top 4 suggests that we are still very much a good side. We'll beat South Africa. Most of the posters on here just want South Africa to win because of their inner xenophobia towards England.

Definately. England have been playing well, but their Ashes victory perhaps has them one place above where they should be (4th-ish). Regarding the last sentence, I have found myself supporting England as of late, I don't know what is wrong with me!:eek:

manee added 1 Minutes and 11 Seconds later...

Yeah, Ian Smith made a good point on the Sky earlier with regards to us having Panesar and them only having Harris. The gap in class is large between those two. Dale Steyn is a great bowler but what is Test cricket if you don't come up against the best in the world? He isn't guaranteed to steamroller us and don't forget it'll be the first time he's played Test cricket in England. We've handled Ntini very well in the past and the bowler who caused us the msot problems in the past has been Sean Pollock and he's out of the equation with retirement.

You should look out for Morne Morkel though, he is quicker than Steyn, accurate in spells and gets steep bounce.
I can just imagine Steyn doing to England what Anderson did to New Zealand and irrotev having a big cheesey grin on his dial and evertonfan commenting, saying it's the ugliest thing his seen since sliced bread.
We'll deal with Dale Steyn the same way we dealt with Shoaib two years ago; Have him test positive for steds.
He's one of the few in the batting order who I actually think has potential. He's played some decent knocks and has been a tad unlucky (being hit and unable to continue and that bowled off the thigh pad).

Fulton I also think has it in him. He just can't get a run. He's also the kinda guy who tends to get starts like 20's and 30's and then get himself out at times.
I like Flynn, he has failed on occasions, but the 49 in the 2nd innings showed something which is always a good sign of a young player. Grit. He well represent New Zealand for many years to come. Not sure if Redmond will, though. Really struggling to find someone to partner How at the top.
So what does everyone think the ODI series will finish?

I have a feeling NZ will pip us 3-2 in it, this is because NZ are going to stick with the ODI team they are used to, However, England are still tinkering trying to find the right team, this could play straight into NZ's hands.

England to win the Twenty20. Simple as that... :cool:

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