Discussion Online Play General Discussion

We're always looking at what's happening with quitters, it's particularly hard with cricket we don't have an opportunity to see who is in front (unlike football).

Could be a job for Messrs Duckworth and Lewis?

In the first innings you could work out their % of resources remaining and assess it against some arbitrary cut-off.
It's not perfect, but perhaps better than nothing.
Could be a job for Messrs Duckworth and Lewis?

In the first innings you could work out their % of resources remaining and assess it against some arbitrary cut-off.
It's not perfect, but perhaps better than nothing.

We've looked at this and thought that if people work the system out they could drop the connection as soon as they know they are ahead.
Don't the batsmen get a couple of seconds to check out the field the way we do offline? If not, then the patch with fielders on the boundary visible won't be of much use online :(

I had a really frustrating game online yesterday because of this. I bowled first and, whenever I changed the field, waited a few seconds so he could look round (as I'd heard about this issue). He then changed the field every few balls, and the only chance I ever got to view it was just before a change or during a wide view replay of a boundary catch from a fielder I didn't know was there. Annoyingly, you can't look round during the animation when the batsman steps towards his guard. That would really help if it was enabled.

To top it all off, he quit with two overs left when I needed 16 off 12 after hitting 15 off the previous over with my numbers 8 and 10. I stupidly decided to save it in the hope we could finish the game, but my requests were ignored.

Is anyone else struggling to find opponents on Xbox? I sometimes wait for 5 minutes but no one joins. I've played 4 online games, the first was a great, tight match. The next two both disconnected after about an over, and the last one was described above.
@ChinamanSpin, can you select custom created fields online or you can only select preset fields?
I had a really frustrating game online yesterday because of this. I bowled first and, whenever I changed the field, waited a few seconds so he could look round (as I'd heard about this issue). He then changed the field every few balls, and the only chance I ever got to view it was just before a change or during a wide view replay of a boundary catch from a fielder I didn't know was there. Annoyingly, you can't look round during the animation when the batsman steps towards his guard. That would really help if it was enabled.

To top it all off, he quit with two overs left when I needed 16 off 12 after hitting 15 off the previous over with my numbers 8 and 10. I stupidly decided to save it in the hope we could finish the game, but my requests were ignored.

Is anyone else struggling to find opponents on Xbox? I sometimes wait for 5 minutes but no one joins. I've played 4 online games, the first was a great, tight match. The next two both disconnected after about an over, and the last one was described above.

It looks like we need to fix something with the ability to look around being nerfed by bowlers on purpose.

All games have quitters, given the length of time a match takes I think it would be best to play private matches against people you know.
It looks like we need to fix something with the ability to look around being nerfed by bowlers on purpose.

All games have quitters, given the length of time a match takes I think it would be best to play private matches against people you know.

Yeah, I think it might be best to do that. Sometimes it's nice to just jump into a game but it would probably be a much more enjoyable experience if I was playing against someone I knew.


@ChinamanSpin, can you select custom created fields online or you can only select preset fields?

Sorry, I'm not the person to ask. I haven't changed any fields in CA (probably should at some point though). I think you can still specify players to move into each position with up on the d-pad though.
Sorry, I'm not the person to ask. I haven't changed any fields in CA (probably should at some point though). I think you can still specify players to move into each position with up on the d-pad though.

No problem. Maybe Ross can answer whether you can select custom created fields in online matches as he's around answering questions :)
No problem. Maybe Ross can answer whether you can select custom created fields in online matches as he's around answering questions :)

I'm reticent to answer questions that I'm not 100% sure of when I'm not in front of the game, particularly when others can.

You should be able to use custom fields online, if not then I would class it as a bug.
You can select custom field presets online.:)
You can use custom fields online. Just ensure that you don't have more than 5 fielders on the leg side, not more than 2 behind square and finally atleast 4 fielders inside the circle for non- power play overs. Else the fields do not show up in a match. Also, I think straight hit field position is considered as leg side and short third man and short fine leg are considered outside the 30 yard circle.

Anyways, my experience with online gaming has been a mixed bag. Have had some awesome matches (one was yesterday in a T20 where i was 16/7 and from there ended up on 167/9 :) ). Then again I have had some laggy and glitchy ones. Here are the issues I have faced so far:

a) Batsman being bowled (happened twice, both last ball of an over) and yet the game not acknowledging it and quickly shifting to the next over as if the 6th delivery never happened

b) Batsman being given out even though he hit the ball along the ground and was fielded by mid off (happened in the same match as above).

c) My opponent kept throwing the stumps down with his keeper whenever I missed any delivery, and even though I press circle after each delivery the batsman goes inside the crease and then out again due to the animation resulting in a stumping. Happened twice. Though this isn't an online only bug but is more exaggerated online if the opponent is persistent in throwing down every single delivery to the stumps whenever you have missed one.

d) Batting was totally laggy in a couple of matches with fielders suddenly reaching the delivery and throwing the ball even though they were far far far away from the ball just .1 seconds back. Didn't happen in all matches I played though

e) Bowler stopping in his runup when he reaches the crease , turns back, starts walking towards his runup and then suddenly delivers the ball magically (same as what can be seen in the ivg online mp video posted by Sam)
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Do PS3s generate any form of crash report that would be helpful in determining why online games usually result in a full crash for me? Had other games glitch out before, but not to the point of not actually being able to power down normally.
I find it hard to find someone to play. :/ sitting here now for 40 mins waiting for someone to join my game.

All in all I find online fun. Entertaining. Just the ------s who 'disconnect' really annoy me
Finally had a decent online game only a couple of lag moments and 1 quick black screen thank god it didnt crash and i lost chasing 99 in 10 overs only managed 83-7 in 10 good game tho.

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