Discussion Online Play General Discussion

How does the online work in this game.
Is there a lobby you join ingame or is it like fifa where it has a matchmaking feature.
ive played 3 games online. the last 2 the opposition players have quit halfway through the match coz they werent doing so well. yet u dnt get credited with a win.should be fixed
@MattW How come my xbox 360 user name is not on the list of users on this forum.
Its Bret Braveheart
@MattW How come my xbox 360 user name is not on the list of users on this forum.
You haven't filled out the username in your profile and ticked the box saying you have the game.

Click the 'Add your Gamertag here' link at the top of this page, put your gamertag in the Xbox section, scroll to the bottom, pick DBC14 on 360 and then click save.
ive played 3 games online. the last 2 the opposition players have quit halfway through the match coz they werent doing so well. yet u dnt get credited with a win.should be fixed

I've had a few rage quitters to westy, usually takes 10 minutes to update with a win tho I haven't been not credited for a rage quit.
Been encountering quitters myself, so frustrating given that I've had to generally wait to find a game on most occasions. If anyone on PSN is keen for a game here, add me: magpiebazz36 :)
don't understand

I thought u could only play another person online. How do you create a t20 or test championship? Thanks
I be up 4 that if i knew how to do that. Thought u could only play one person
ive played 3 games online. the last 2 the opposition players have quit halfway through the match coz they werent doing so well. yet u dnt get credited with a win.should be fixed

I agree , defnitly seems a fair and valid request for future patches.
I only really play online and it's getting on my nerves now, I've started about 20 games and only had credit for 4 of them. People just quit and it asks me if I want to save the game for later, what good is that to me? They're obviously not going to join so I can get my win.

The other issue I have is when I'm batting the screen will go black for a second after hitting the ball and sometimes it even crashes.

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