Online Quitting - Please Read

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I dont play online any more leftarmfast,
because people like you make me sick and stop doing things i enjoy.

Think your having a laugh mate, why would one of the best ps3 players quit against you, iv played him about 15 times and never had a problem, i also would have thought someone might have mentioned this before seen as LeftArmFast has played about 250 games.:facepalm
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Leftarmfast ps3 quiter !! dont be botherd wasting your time on him plus it lags like crazy

Let me put it like this , Mr. Burns is from Texas & he will ( lemme embolden this .... HE WILL ) kick your ass for sounding stupid. ( Thats right not for defaming him , or spreading lies about him, just for SOUNDING STUPID )
2 PC Quitters r "0123456" n "pad"

"pad" ran off when he needed 8 runs to win on last ball..wasted an hour of mine :mad:
Let me put it like this , Mr. Burns is from Texas & he will ( lemme embolden this .... HE WILL ) kick your ass for sounding stupid. ( Thats right not for defaming him , or spreading lies about him, just for SOUNDING STUPID )

It's when he puts on his cowboy hat and takes out his whip - that's when he gets REAL serious. :whip :whip

He was to chase 284 in a T20 match, and he was 43/6 when he quitted...

mspeed162 added 3 Minutes and 57 Seconds later...

I just checked that i have played with king_eleven earlier also, and that time also he quitted when i was about to win.. I think he just plays to boost his stats, and whenever he is about to loose he quits... So guys if this man comes in to your match, just kick his .......

He was to chase 284 in a T20 match, and he was 43/6 when he quitted...

mspeed162 added 3 Minutes and 57 Seconds later...

I just checked that i have played with king_eleven earlier also, and that time also he quitted when i was about to win.. I think he just plays to boost his stats, and whenever he is about to loose he quits... So guys if this man comes in to your match, just kick his .......

he's in my list of quitters too..
Your the ones embarrassing your selves sounding stupid accusing people of quiting when you do it yourself leftarmfast and i deleted my account coz i culdnt stop getting msges from freaks like yourself cheers mate.

cricketashesmad added 5 Minutes and 56 Seconds later...

LOL GET A LIFE LEFTARMFAST GO AWAY NOW IVE EXPRESSED MY MIND that i held back untill reading your two face threads
cheers go away dont reply ill always hate you and ur crap at the game cheatterr !
MUNA quit when i bowled his last wicket, the worst kind of loser.
@ mico

sorry man i closed that match, got an urgent phone call have to go... Also the game was lagging badly for me, as you could sense that..
2 PC Quitters r "0123456" n "pad"

"pad" ran off when he needed 8 runs to win on last ball..wasted an hour of mine :mad:

I already posted his name in the quitters list. But noone(except Hmarka :p) checks the quitters list.;)
Your the ones embarrassing your selves sounding stupid accusing people of quiting when you do it yourself leftarmfast and i deleted my account coz i culdnt stop getting msges from freaks like yourself cheers mate.

cricketashesmad added 5 Minutes and 56 Seconds later...

LOL GET A LIFE LEFTARMFAST GO AWAY NOW IVE EXPRESSED MY MIND that i held back untill reading your two face threads
cheers go away dont reply ill always hate you and ur crap at the game cheatterr !

Did I ever tell you that Uncle Kabooka has a Masters Degree in Arse Kicking.

Its up to you to make whatever you wish to of the above said statement.
Guys i play for fun...I dont care a sh''' about my stats...

I dont quit.......You can ask guys like Kabooka, Boney_g and Diablo.

I m playing ashes from last 4 months and i would say i had more than 100 players quitting on me..

I never complain because its of no use.

Just njoy the game

Guys i play for fun...I dont care a sh''' about my stats...

I dont quit.......You can ask guys like Kabooka, Boney_g and Diablo.

I m playing ashes from last 4 months and i would say i had more than 100 players quitting on me..

I never complain because its of no use.

Just njoy the game

Yes you do quit,:mad:You quit when i played you.
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