Pakistan tour of New Zealand 2009

I had a good laugh when reading the Waikato times today, their were three peices on Jesse Ryder and every single one of them were negative. Apparently he's a "miscreant" for being angry after he injured himself in the CT, and that NZC should boot him out because of the way he behaved :sarcasm

fearsome tweak there's some idiot's around today.
Look I think Gul needs some rest. Not so much a temporary "one match" rest but a complete series rest. Since they have taken him, it obvisouly indicates he'll play. But given that Rauf bowled decently in the SL series and then again in the warm-up game two days ago, I would just tilt towards picking him(if he's fit now) in place of Gul for the 1st test match.

how come? give or take a couple of one day series prior to the twenty20 he played almost no cricket for months.

a full series against sri lanka, the CT and then he's played half a short series agains NZ so far.
I just saw the pitch on one news, tbh it looked a bit grassy,
I'm picking a one all series draw. I don't think there will be a result in Napier.
New Zealand will only be going in with 3 seamers plus Vettori so Elliott will be playing.

Unsure if I should throw a sickie tomorrow. :laugh
I'm on study leave. Got my last two exam's on Thursday and Friday.....
But I really don't think too much study will be getting done tomorrow and Wednesday.
Still haven't found a summer job so I'm good for the first test :D
Finished all my exams apart from NCEA scholarship Economics which isn't until the 2nd so I've got heaps of time to watch cricket :D
Given how this pitch behaved in the first round of the FC comp I hope we go with six batsmen, Elliott's medium pace will be good enough to make up for the lack of another bowler.
^ Agreed.

I'll be watching all day.

And about Ryder. I honestly don't care what he does. He's a good batsman. Swearing at the manager and breaking a chair is hardly a disaster. Finally we've found a batsman who actually gives a ████ when they get out. Chairs are replaceable.
Bloody Indian channels!!!
Someone please tell me which channel is going to broadcast this series in India.
I don't want to miss this.

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