I know its a bitter pill for Ross to swallow - that is pretty obvious in his over reactions like the one above - but the game does have some pretty big glaring issues that should never have made it into the final product, like the poor AI, collisions, field settings and an online format which is pretty much unplayable.
Massive kudos for the ongoing support, this is terrific, and this support is keeping the game on rotation for me. But I cant help feel that a lot of buyers have returned the game and a lot of potential buyers wont be purchasing the game based on what they've seen already...the damage has been done in many respects, and I don't think its unreasonable for there to be at least some negative criticism of the product. Its natural. Has anyone seen the FIFA forums???
I don't think it should be unexpected, and I definitely don't think it should be taken personally. Just deal with it and don't even reference it.