Patch #2 Must Fixes

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I know Ross doesn't want to keep repeating himself, and he doesn't want to confirm anything as "fixed" before they've done it, but surely a post that can be stickied for him which is just something like:

What we are looking at
~List of problems we've heard~

~Priority problems we're working on~

~Problems we feel will be fixed and ready to go with patch 2~

~Problems that we feel are still debatable and will wait for further discussion to make a move on~

With that we could at least rest easy knowing exactly what's going on, and if it were updated with new information maybe once every few days to a week or so we could be kept up to date and not constantly flood them with reports of the same problems.
Probably all to do with managing expectations

as soon as Ross says 'we feel these will be fixed', guaranteed everyone will assume they will be fixed. Expectations will then not be met if anything they hope to fix isn't
Well I can honestly say I find it easier facing guys bowling 130 - 140 km/h in real life than I do in this game. I really think that there needs to be additional forewarning of some kind if we are to play each delivery on its merits. Yes in real life there is a degree of anticipation but this is based on so many minute details a cricket game on 2D object cannot possibly replicate.

How many can honestly say they can pick up the length of a ball, decide what shot to play, in which direction and whether the shot is a block, regular, aggressive or leave?

Batting should not be about pre-meditating.

Its really very difficult when playing online with speed above 130 +. I think instead of indicating, if batsman have more time to react then no need to pre-meditate the shot. 150 km ball speed should come slower of speed 115 - 120 in batting view, atleast for online.
There shud be more slip catches... And more drop catches.. And more misfields... Less direct hits... Stamina of a bowler shud be refreshed when comes to bowl for his respective spell... There shud be Close Broadcast and Far Broadcast camera option... In the default Broadcast camera sometimes its difficult to judge the line and length... And yes if not a fielding radar then the fielders shud be shown clearly like illuminated when the batsman looks around for the field setting so that all the fielders can be easily visible.... Or zoom option?
There should be should instead of shud.....and perhaps some help in deciphering the jungle of words....
There should be should instead of shud.....and perhaps some help in deciphering the jungle of words....

It shud be, sorry should be... I have released a Patch where I shall write "should" instead of "shud".. :D
Happy? :D
Haven't played the game so far but watched lots of DBC14 videos in Youtube.
When any caught out happen in the game,the umpire raises his hands which is not necessary.Usually in Real life cricket matches,when any caught out happen players would start enjoying that wicket and umpire would stand asusual.So I mean to say that it is not necessary for the umpire to raise his hands saying out when caught out happen.
Haven't played the game so far but watched lots of DBC14 videos in Youtube.
When any caught out happen in the game,the umpire raises his hands which is not necessary.Usually in Real life cricket matches,when any caught out happen players would start enjoying that wicket and umpire would stand asusual.So I mean to say that it is not necessary for the umpire to raise his hands saying out when caught out happen.

I think that is to confirm whether he has over stepped or not...
Some of the issues raised by certain people are ridiculous. Batting is quite difficult but the more you play the easier it will get! Like playing cricket play the shots you are good at and practice the ones you are not so good at but if you could go out and score a hundred game after game it would get boring! But people complaining about fielders and ai well until we get a programme that is actually self aware there are only so many permutations possible! But complaining about how the umpire gives you out! Really go play battlefield 4 now that is a broken game last time I played that I ran across the sea like jesus with a machine gun but I still think its great fun!
But people complaining about fielders and ai well until we get a programme that is actually self aware there are only so many permutations possible!

switched off after this sentance and thank God you are not developing this game
I'm gonna stick to armature difficulty till patch 2 arrives, pro batting is very difficult....
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