Patch 3 Requests/Wishlist

And one more thing I think it could work well with timing feedback if it had a vibration to a good or bad shot :)
I believe that batting in game atm is a lot of premeditated shots especially aggressive trigger shots, lofted and ground strokes

Aggressive batting in cricket is almost always premeditated. Next...

The idea of the buttons is if in theory it was implemented in the game that one push of the button is to only hit the ball to inner circle or just beyond

...which you can already do with the thumbstick, which is more precise to pick gaps, experimenting with different timing of your shots and if you have the recommended controller you can now do with half-pressing the block trigger. Next...

but if it's a juicy half volley 2 presses of the button would be a shot intended for the boundary rope

So in a minute fraction of a second, I'm not only expected to press a button twice now but I'm also expected to premeditate my shots even more than already previously happens? Wheras I simply push the thumbstick and/or hold the trigger down at the same time and make a judgement call on line and length and my brain does the rest. Your system actually makes the very thing you're complaining about worse.

These changes would also give you more variation on the one shot example front foot cover drive would have 4 options rather than the current 3 if you include blocking.

In the current system in Don Bradman Cricket you have:

  • Defensive Shot
  • Defensive Push to the outer circle
  • Back Foot Shots
  • Front Foot Shots
  • Back Foot Aggressive Shots (Ground)
  • Front Foot Aggressive Shots (Ground)
  • Back Foot Aggressive Shots (Aerial)
  • Front Foot Aggressive Shots (Aerial)
  • Sweep Shots
  • Sweep Shots Aggressive (Aerial)
  • Scoop/Reverse Shots
  • Scoop Reverse Shots (Aerial)
...all controlled by simple trigger choices and a directional thumbstick, which gives you accuracy in placement when you play in PRO or higher modes.

Your system literally gives me less options, less ability to quickly execute a shot and would require some in-built lag system to allow me to change my intended shot by a second press of a button which only requires one thumbstick movement currently and places the ball in the desired area of the field at the same time.

I think it could work well with timing feedback if it had a vibration to a good or bad shot

You already get this with the current system with the recommended controller.

Patch 3 wishlists time of death,
10:01 PM

Tuesday, 28 July 2015
Greenwich Mean Time (GMT)
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@MattW's new mandate is to maintain mustache mobility within the mechanics and manipulate it for maximum game merriment [HASHTAG]#Patch3[/HASHTAG]

I know it seemed ludicrous to type all of that regarding a moustache, but it's actually a glitch. :yes I've just seen it whilst creating 100's of characters from 2 different World Cups and it's driving me crazy! :p

Another little problem is in Career. You go to a net practice and the camera reverts to default rather than the one you've been using and if you use broadcast ever, it leaves you playing backwards.
Aggressive batting in cricket is almost always premeditated. Next...

No it's not.. Unless you're an absolute hack.. do you even play cricket?

...which you can already do with the thumbstick, which is more precise to pick gaps, experimenting with different timing of your shots and if you have the recommended controller you can now do with half-pressing the block trigger. Next...

Oh righto.. what controller are u talking about mate? I've got a ps4 I thought that would be sufficient enough..

So in a minute fraction of a second, I'm not only expected to press a button twice now but I'm also expected to premeditate my shots even more than already previously happens? Wheras I simply push the thumbstick and/or hold the trigger down at the same time and make a judgement call on line and length and my brain does the rest. Your system actually makes the very thing you're complaining about worse.

Complaining-idea I don't know mate. How does your brain work.

In the current system in Don Bradman Cricket you have:
Well I was talking only "front foot" cover drives you moron...
  • Defensive Shot
  • Defensive Push to the outer circle
  • Back Foot Shots
  • Front Foot Shots
  • Back Foot Aggressive Shots (Ground)
  • Front Foot Aggressive Shots (Ground)
  • Back Foot Aggressive Shots (Aerial)
  • Front Foot Aggressive Shots (Aerial)
  • Sweep Shots
  • Sweep Shots Aggressive (Aerial)
  • Scoop/Reverse Shots
  • Scoop Reverse Shots (Aerial)
...all controlled by simple trigger choices and a directional thumbstick, which gives you accuracy in placement when you play in PRO or higher modes.

Your system literally gives me less options, less ability to quickly execute a shot and would require some in-built lag system to allow me to change my intended shot by a second press of a button which only requires one thumbstick movement currently and places the ball in the desired area of the field at the same time.

haha ok that's ironic I was thinking it would be completely opposite to that...

You already get this with the current system with the recommended controller.

ok what controller are you actually talking about?..

Patch 3 wishlists time of death,
10:01 PM

Tuesday, 28 July 2015
Greenwich Mean Time (GMT)
Anyway mate it's my opinion. And seriously mate you sound like you think your some game developer or some international superstar cricketer who can be as opinionated and entitled as they care to be because everyone else's ideas are just inferior... Biggs gets it.. yeah righto
Not everyone else, just yours that involve a de-evolution of the games mechanics.
Ok let's focus on moustache movements that's cutting edge, revelotionary lol
I never knew this was a shooting range!

I think this thread has served it's purpose by this point, heh. ...honestly, 125 pages in for a patch that's never coming and we're talking about changing a feature that's basically universally hailed as a near-perfect batting system. It's ridiculous.
@Biggs I completely agree with you, I just wanted to drop my line in. Though it was the perfect chance...
Mate it's a forum for opinions who made you a opinion police officer?

yes, a forum for opinions. which kind of means people offer opinions, and others can discuss them. it's odd to proffer an opinion and then rather than defend the opinion in the face of criticism instead attack the person for criticising. a forum is for discussion, otherwise it'd just be a list of opinions.

the game has a revolutionary batting control, and where people have complained about the premeditation issue, it's generally been regarding the timing of the ball HUD rather than the control system. most if not all feedback of the control system itself has been overwhelmingly positive.

also, to be fair, your suggested control system was not good: it's a step back towards older less good systems and neither as intuitive nor as simple as the DBC system.
Here we go... Biggs and blocker the best bum chums ;)

My goodness, how old are you? You've been a member of this forum for a couple of days and your idea is quite frankly, gash. You mentioned it and it got shot down for being archaic and far worse than the current one. As you say, you are free to voice an opinion but don't get all precious when people disagree.
Yeah fair enough that was a bit childish of me.. its just I was just a bit dissapointed on how quickly my idea was dismissed and how it was originally dismissed. I've been reading these forums since the game was released and I've only just joined purely because I thought my idea has merit. I realise my idea is left field but i do think left field a bit more after reading these forums because most of the common issues are covered fairly well. My idea was after playing the game a fair bit lately and I had a bazinga moment when I thought well how cool we're the older games if they never had a bowling reticule do dah. :) But then again mate I'm not overly fussed by this situation as it's what I sort of expected, these places are brutal and full of keyboard warriors. And not at all welcoming it's why forums have a bad name. But pfft I say I'm better off not stooping to such levels.
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