Patch 3 Requests/Wishlist

However, those 4-5 secs will help me save quite a bit of playing time as I don't get too much time with the game.

This is so true, as much as I love this game for having produced the cricket dynamics close to reality cricket, it is the game in the end and certain features like these definitels adds more value to playing time. I always used to see the field(90% of the times) before every delivery at start but now started loosing interest of it as I don't have time to play real cricket( which is not my profession ) and I wanted to play a game in my free time.
Perhaps having a better notification when the field has changed: perhaps something on the TV overlay saying "field change" or something? That's the real problem: since now you don't really know when the field has been changed which will probably mean that you'll miss someone who's sneaked into that gap that you've nailed a few times...

Am sure in the prerelease videos, the commentators used to say something every time the field was changed - what happened to that?

Edit: Pro cam running works quite well when you're the striker, but when you're the non striker, it's far too easy to run out your team mate simply because you can't see exactly whether the ball beat the fielder. I propose more running camera options: a separate one for when you're striker or non striker. Non striker works very well with Fielding Cam 2 I think it is.
Even if there's a notification, what's the harm in having a field radar option? It doesn't impact folks who don't want to use it and makes the game more accessible for others. I don't see any downside at all if radar is added. It will help folks save time and hurry the matches along which is what plenty of folks prefer.

I think that as a positive way to move the cricket gaming...My view on this has been the "FEEL" of batsman that the absence of field radar has given me to remember the field without the radar,its always in the back of my mind when I play..Same is the case when I am on the non-striker end in career mode to take that quick single and when to cancel the run...
Its similar to the "no keyboard support" how much ever demanded....I think its a good way to go about it....But that's totally my view on Fielding Radar....
Something to ponder re:fielding radar

BA have stated they want to appeal to the wider audience. I cannot see the casual gamer having to look around the field every delivery (or take the chance AI hasn't changed the field) as helping to achieve BA's goal?
I thought Tabletop Cricket was for the wider audience, and this was for us sad cricket nerds?
I thought Tabletop Cricket was for the wider audience, and this was for us sad cricket nerds?

I'm sorry, I just had to laugh at this! Its kind of true really, I mean the lack of spoon-fed information and a reliance on making decisions based purely on what you see (in batting at least) was pretty much what attracted myself and many others to this game. That said, Table Top Cricket is a little too basic for most people in any case.
Absolutely, and the vast majority of people (by virtue of the fact barely anyone has demanded a radar) are happy that Big Ant have taken the path they chose with this one.

I'm guessing this isn't the case anymore. Just because people haven't talked about it (yet) doesn't mean you should declare people don't want it.

BA have stated they want to appeal to the wider audience. I cannot see the casual gamer having to look around the field every delivery (or take the chance AI hasn't changed the field) as helping to achieve BA's goal?

I'm willing to bet there are many of us, casual or not, that would like to see a radar. I'm certainly casual, and definitely in the wider audience group. It's cumbersome to have to constantly look around the field, and it has to be done immediately before the runup. If you miss the quick window to look, well I guess if you had a radar to quickly glace at then you'd be ok.

And I'm glad we're talking about it. I certainly can't see how more options aren't good for everyone. But I'll be realistic and also say I'd be surprised if it's able to be part of a patch. Certainly not for the consoles, and unless they are willing to spend time on it, doubtfully for the PC. But...we can hope they see it and that it becomes a part of any future games Big Ant might develop.

And, you could always turn it off...
The lack of radar was discussed at length just after the console release, man.

The outcome was those of us who don't miss it, and appreciate the change in the game (more simulation than QTE-like arcade game) saying "no, thanks", and those who do miss it saying "but it could be turned off"

The thing here is that it's not an oversight. It's a deliberate design decision, much like the "missing" pitch indicator.

No fielding radar means one less system to be buggy. It means the feel of the game is rooted firmly in simulation. It means less screen real-estate taken up with gamey kludges.

As much as you can say "well, just turn it off", I can say "well, just deal with it not being there"

Neither statement actually moves the discussion on.
This discussion:


I've moved on already, we both made our points long ago, and nothing more has been added to the discussion since.
This discussion:


I've moved on already, we both made our points long ago, and nothing more has been added to the discussion since.

That's really funny. :D

Has Patch 3 been released on PC? Since the fix to the unresponsive controller issue was released, I'm seeing differences in the physics. I am getting nicks flying fine behind, bouncers seem more threatening, play and miss are now actually really close to the bat and not miles away as they often were before - the delivery that cuts the batsman in half is common now and various other subtle changes that I wasn't noticing before. Anyone else?
That's really funny. :D

Has Patch 3 been released on PC? Since the fix to the unresponsive controller issue was released, I'm seeing differences in the physics. I am getting nicks flying fine behind, bouncers seem more threatening, play and miss are now actually really close to the bat and not miles away as they often were before - the delivery that cuts the batsman in half is common now and various other subtle changes that I wasn't noticing before. Anyone else?

Are you able to hit shots, specifically cut and the pull, along the ground?
That's really funny. :D

Has Patch 3 been released on PC? Since the fix to the unresponsive controller issue was released, I'm seeing differences in the physics. I am getting nicks flying fine behind, bouncers seem more threatening, play and miss are now actually really close to the bat and not miles away as they often were before - the delivery that cuts the batsman in half is common now and various other subtle changes that I wasn't noticing before. Anyone else?

Is there a Steam change log? They did say that they would be releasing minor updates on PC before full patches on consoles (since PC patches are free, and console patches are expensive). I'd have thought they'd have advertised it though.
Of now for me only two priorities,
1.field-settings like this needs to be fixed, format appropriate field-settings needed, especially for limited overs format.
View attachment 128598
View attachment 128608

Then when you are trying to pick the only few available gaps this kind of lol moment happens to a full blooded pull.

2.Then Grounded non trigger shots as discussed here, just these two will make the game gold.
Getting ball to bounce of the pitch with drives | Page 14 - PlanetCricket Forums
from where do you get these logos of countries plzz tell me!
Are you able to hit shots, specifically cut and the pull, along the ground?

I'm afraid not - was that meant to be part of Patch 3? It does need looking at because right now if there's a fielder there, they are going to have a good chance of catching you.
I have an issue that you other guys might agree with. I get realistic batting scores when playing T20 games, but when I play 50 overs or test matches I try to play more conservatively but there seems to be no benefit in playing defensively. I actually seem to get out more often defending, this means I end up playing a run scoring shot to every ball.

So playing test matches I either play conservatively and score around 250 in 60 overs, but can't score much more.

Or I play a shot to every ball and get around 400 in around 40 overs.

So I think what I'm saying is that the defensive shot needs to be more of a safe shot so we can play someone in using it.

Its the only way I think I Will be able to play a realistic test match. I think Ross has said the defensive shot can't be completely safe so to stop people playing out draws. I agree with this but it needs to be a much safer shot than say a non trigger shot which at the moment I don't think it is.
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