Patch 3 Requests/Wishlist

Absolutely. In my experience the defensive shots are are not really any safer than trying to drive the ball, even when its a tricky line into your stumps on an awkward length. The probability of getting an edge seems to be about the same no matter what you do. I'm not saying it should be impossible to edge a defensive shot as that would be unrealistic, but it still ought to be safer. At the moment its still better to take a risky shot and get a few runs than it is to defend a couple and risk getting out having scored nothing.
Yes it's always been an issue for me too. With BA's track record we can be hopeful this will be addressed in patch 3
I agree totally with the above comments. I have tried to play a proper cricket innings since the game was released on 4 April this year and to this day I have had 1 proper innings (97 from 141 - pre patch 2) that felt like real cricket. The T20 is great fun, but the thing that every real cricket fan want is to be able to bat out a whole day in a test match. I have come to the point where I play only 1 innings per day and when I'm out I switch of the game(no matter my score). It is just to difficult to defend as you should whilst playing the longer format. Don't get me wrong, I can do it for 15 or 20 overs but it is a lottery and sooner or later you will edge one. This and the fact that the ball always go in the air have taken the enjoyment away. Pre patch 2 there was the opportunity to instead of defending at least play it to mid on and mid off for dot balls, but with that taken away strike rates of 200 is not uncommon for those of us playing cricket games since ps1. All you need to do of every ball is play towards the biggest gap in the field. I'm just sure grinding out a century of 200 or 250 balls would be super satisfying or to bat out a draw on the last day playing for South Africa v Australia.
For what it is trying to do, and for what it has by and large achieved, DBC 14 has to make my list of best sports games ever, not just best cricket games. Batting is especially amazing - when out in the middle you really feel like there's an angry fast bowler bearing down on you and there is nothing more satisfying than watching the ball race to the boundary out of your own eyes. All other cricket games are now null and void.

Idea: Track IR support for Pro cam/pro running cam? That way you can look around whenever you like with the greatest of ease. Thoughts? :)


Ehmmm maybe I need to swallow my pride and drop down a level, as Pro seems too difficult for me. That causes a problem with bowling though, as Pro is just right - anything easier would be too easy. Perhaps separate difficulty options for batting and bowling, Big Ant?
I'm afraid not - was that meant to be part of Patch 3? It does need looking at because right now if there's a fielder there, they are going to have a good chance of catching you.

I would hope so. I have stopped playing career mode coz the ball is hit in the air nearly everytime and you are always about to get dismissed due to the pull shot going in the air. If this issue is not fixed cometh patch 3 I would move on to Madden. I love cricket games but I don't see any point in playing one where you cannot keep the ball along the ground, which I must add is fundamental principle for batting.
I have an issue that you other guys might agree with. I get realistic batting scores when playing T20 games, but when I play 50 overs or test matches I try to play more conservatively but there seems to be no benefit in playing defensively. I actually seem to get out more often defending, this means I end up playing a run scoring shot to every ball.

So playing test matches I either play conservatively and score around 250 in 60 overs, but can't score much more.

Or I play a shot to every ball and get around 400 in around 40 overs.

So I think what I'm saying is that the defensive shot needs to be more of a safe shot so we can play someone in using it.

Its the only way I think I Will be able to play a realistic test match. I think Ross has said the defensive shot can't be completely safe so to stop people playing out draws. I agree with this but it needs to be a much safer shot than say a non trigger shot which at the moment I don't think it is.

You are not the only one who has faced the problem. This issue has been brought up earlier as well. Playing a forward defensive shot is as risky, if not more, as playing a flashing cover drive. You end up nicking one to the keeper, playing on or getting LBW sooner than later if you rely on playing a defensive shot. I have tried to vary my timing for playing the shot but no matter whether I play the shot early, late or somewhere in the middle, an edge to wkt keeper is always round the corner. There's absolutely no advantage in playing a defensive shot, which is a crying shame. I understand that a defensive shot shouldn't be the one which never leads to a dismissal, but surely it should be a lot safer than an aggressive drive through the off side? Hopefully this along with the shots going in the air would be addressed in patch 3.
Oculus Rift with some kind of Kinect motion capture device! Would take this game to as close to real life as possible!!!

That's definitely an awesome idea, however I'd first love some kind of solution that doesn't require any additional hardware/expense.
I think I remember Ross saying that they had implemented Oculus Rift support in one of their builds, and said that they could patch it in if there was enough demand for it... The Oculus Rift hasn't had a genuine consumer release yet though so very few people are using it and the functionality/features aren't finalised so I wouldn't expect DBC (or many other games) to have official support for it until it fully releases and gains traction.
* There is also a unique First Person View (as well as 3rd person), we have even integrated Oculus with the PC version and it was awesome, it felt like you were there!!

We are using it in the office and may support it in the game. As the final unit is yet to be produced this will likely be via a patch.

We have it working here but can't offer it in the game at release as we cannot be sure of the final form of the Oculus Rift.

If there is enough call for it then we will patch it in..

and... Oculus Rift just got $75 Million in funding... we've played DBC14 in the office with it, when it goes commercial it will blow minds! You will NEVER use a bowling camera to bat ever again.

Oculus Rift will be a very small userbase for us I think. I'd be doing it because it is cool and for no other reason as it will likely cost quite a bit more money to develop than we would see in increased sales.

Here are the posts Ross made regarding the Oculus Rift.
I think I remember Ross saying that they had implemented Oculus Rift support in one of their builds, and said that they could patch it in if there was enough demand for it... The Oculus Rift hasn't had a genuine consumer release yet though so very few people are using it and the functionality/features aren't finalised so I wouldn't expect DBC (or many other games) to have official support for it until it fully releases and gains traction.

What about Track IR? It's far cheaper than OR, has a proven track record and is being widely used. Why focus on OR when those of us with Track IR could have that awesome experience now, not in two years time. Sure, when it is widely available, has many games supporting it and doesn't cost an arm and a leg, OR will eclipse Track IR. Until then, why not Big Ant? It's infuriating to get run out/get a team mate run out simply because you're unable to turn your head in Pro running cam to see where the ball is in relation to the fielders. If there's enough call for Track IR, would you patch it in?
Oculus Rift with some kind of Kinect motion capture device! Would take this game to as close to real life as possible!!!

Gah... keep your Kinect. It hasn't shown me that it's ready to take the place of the gamepad yet with any sort of reliability.
Kinect wouldnt work too well with pro cam anyway because in order to look around you'd have to move your head - thereby looking away from your target area of your screen! I agree, Oculus Rift would be pretty sweet though - even though I do not own one myself.

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