Patch 3 Requests/Wishlist

Sort of like how International Cricket Captain does things? Yeah that would be a great addition!

Yeah exactly. It would make captaining a side really enjoyable and allow you to dicate to some extent gameplay and what your team is doing. If you know an opponent is weak legside you can cater to that etcetera or if you want to force out a draw get everyone playing defensive and so on.....
Yeah exactly. It would make captaining a side really enjoyable and allow you to dicate to some extent gameplay and what your team is doing. If you know an opponent is weak legside you can cater to that etcetera or if you want to force out a draw get everyone playing defensive and so on.....

It would certainly be a great feature, because the AI is incapable of pacing their innings properly, and this would mitigate that. Playing career, I'm sick of seeing my side lose wickets from batting too aggressively whist standing helplessly at the other end.
With Track IR in DBC, you'd look around just as you do in a flight sim - if you want to look at your wings, you look towards the side of the screen. To look at your tail, you look right at the edge of the screen. Either way, your eyes never leave the screen. I do find it quite funny that people think you have to look away from the screen - think about it: how would the product be so successful if it was completely broken which would be the case if you did have to look away from the screen?

Track IR, Big Ant! If you could patch in OR, there's no reason why you can't do Track IR. You say that it's not worth it for OR because there's not a wide enough user base; well, that isn't the case for Track IR.

Anyway, enough about that as it's slightly off topic ha ha. Back on topic, I would love the ability to download more stadiums.
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Totally disagree - how dare they suggest you look at the ball while playing cricket!

Ha ha!

It's just dawned on me that in all previous cricket games, I never watched the ball - just the unrealistic pitch marker. In this game, I watch the bowler, I watch his hand and watch the ball right out of his hand! Speaking of which, it would be good if the patch could make it so the ball actually comes out of the bowler's hand and doesn't spawn a foot or so away?

Would like to see in patch three, but probably DB15, the ability to select some parameters as a captain for my bowler or agressive, play defensive, use the short ball etcetera.....there is no point setting a field if the bowler just ignores it and rams it short or down legside everyone Steven Finn? Also need to have me as a captain in the slips or mid off or mid on and not at deep third man or in the dressing room ironing shirts......

That would be great - along with a field editor that isn't as clunky as The Tin Man from The Wizard of Oz...

Some products simply aren't aimed at some people, and aren't made in the sole pursuit of pure profit.

It seems obvious to me that was made with a vision to break the norms of your typical cricket game and offer a game with a much steeper learning curve aimed to please those looking for an experience with more depth. I would be disappointed if that vision were abandoned and the series began to adopt the types of things it broke away from.

I would become an ex customer, never mind about being disappointed. Stay on the realism route, BA!
it would be good if the patch could make it so the ball actually comes out of the bowler's hand and doesn't spawn a foot or so away?

what people are also not realizing is this is the first cricket game to have players of various sizes and body dimensions actually, instead of using a set of models and having one set of bowling mechanism for them, since the bowling mechanism has to fit all the creations there is bound to be some out of sync things like that. Its not there with all players. Something for the future version i would say or up there in the polish department.
what people are also not realizing is this is the first cricket game to have players of various sizes and body dimensions actually, instead of using a set of models and having one set of bowling mechanism for them, since the bowling mechanism has to fit all the creations there is bound to be some out of sync things like that. Its not there with all players. Something for the future version i would say or up there in the polish department.
Totally agree...:thumbs
Nope. You could have different weight players in cricket 2004. I played Somerset as a team of fatties once.

That was best thing about that game (the different player sizes that is :p)
Please make Batting marker or something indicator where the bowl gonna pitch
I really hope bigant don't put a bowling marker in, they've implemented a fantastic new control system for both batting and bowling and there is enough aid in the HUD available currently, I see no reason why they would want to go backwards when, quite frankly, been a Great Leap Forward.
Please make Batting marker or something indicator where the bowl gonna pitch

Please do not even consider doing this. Go buy EA Cricket or something...[DOUBLEPOST=1409168822][/DOUBLEPOST]
what people are also not realizing is this is the first cricket game to have players of various sizes and body dimensions actually, instead of using a set of models and having one set of bowling mechanism for them, since the bowling mechanism has to fit all the creations there is bound to be some out of sync things like that. Its not there with all players. Something for the future version i would say or up there in the polish department.

Fair point. Turns out it only happens with fast bowlers from what I've seen - with spinners, it comes straight out of the hand.

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