Patch 3 Requests/Wishlist

So just an idea for the ai. I don't know how easy it would be to make or anything. And I didnt bother reading too much of this thread to see if it's been said before.
But with people not being happy with fields set by ai and stuff.
So since you can't actually have an ai watch how the game is going and come up with plans for the batsman. How about making preset plans for ai to use?
Such as when a batsman is new, look for the nick so the ai sets an aggresive field and bowls outside off. Then for a way to trigger the next plan, say if the batsmans strike rate is high, try put pressure on with tight fields and short pitch bowling the ruffle the feathers etc. and then for another plan a mistimed shot through cover my bring in short catchers and bowlers bowling slower balls out side off etc. basically making the bowler bowl to field settings

well, an AI should be able be to get patterns in the play and come up with plans based on that - which is sort of what Big Ant have tried to do, sadly, this often means putting a fielder exactly where you hit it, then moving him to where you hit the next ball, and so on and so on... so you have one fielder moving between silly mid-off, deep extra cover and deep square leg as you block, drive, and hook, block, drive and hook - meantime there's a third man staying in position even though you haven't hit a single shot there.

also, there are too many presets (even for the human player to use) and the majority of them have never been seen on a real cricket pitch, and there is no grading of them as "this is for First Class, this for List A, this for T20 etc." so you get the AI setting you 4 slips in a T20.

and the variables they use to determine which fielders get moved and to where and when are way way way off, so after a couple of 4s early in a test match you have no slips and a ring of deep fielders...

in the absence of a functioning AI, you're right they should massively restrict what the AI is allowed to do, and have (realistic) preset plans for a few situations and stick to those. it needs to have a few plans based on format and match situation and hopefully a few for each situation to give some variability.

not to big ant, NOT ONE of these preset plans involve a pace bowler in the third over of a test match bowling with a silly mid-off, silly mid-on, straight off, deep point and no slips.

same thing should happen to the bowling, none of this trying to be clever looking at stamina etc. you do not open the bowling with a spinner in a first class match in england, under any circumstance except having a team of only spinners...
Haha yeah. The spinners opening bowling and stuff especially when no pitches turn much is annoying. But yeah, i just think that people would pay less attention to some of the other things if they knew the opposition had a plan for you. Like if you know they're trying to catch you in the covers or slips you might forget about the 2 square legs that are there for no reason since almost every ball you're playing is into the offside. It's not a perfect fix but it might work better than trying to create something that isnt quite there yet. Also in saying all this I still struggle to average above 25 haha
It would almost be better if we could set "pools" of field choices within the following groups;


Then when that bowler came in the CPU would then go with whatever field the user had assigned them in the academy. If you put 1 field in the group they would not change for that bowler, if you put 2 or more, the CPU would then shift through those field choices.

It would not be perfect but at least we could set it up pretty close to perfect.
I'd personally like it if the AI wouldn't randomly change my field for new batsman after its worked to get a few quick wickets

Its random as well: I'll get two guys caught at mid off (the most common dismissal in this game) and then the game will decide for me that I don't need a mid off, but instead a cover, extra cover and deep extra cover
well, an AI should be able be to get patterns in the play and come up with plans based on that - which is sort of what Big Ant have tried to do, sadly, this often means putting a fielder exactly where you hit it, then moving him to where you hit the next ball, and so on and so on... so you have one fielder moving between silly mid-off, deep extra cover and deep square leg as you block, drive, and hook, block, drive and hook - meantime there's a third man staying in position even though you haven't hit a single shot there.

also, there are too many presets (even for the human player to use) and the majority of them have never been seen on a real cricket pitch, and there is no grading of them as "this is for First Class, this for List A, this for T20 etc." so you get the AI setting you 4 slips in a T20.

and the variables they use to determine which fielders get moved and to where and when are way way way off, so after a couple of 4s early in a test match you have no slips and a ring of deep fielders...

in the absence of a functioning AI, you're right they should massively restrict what the AI is allowed to do, and have (realistic) preset plans for a few situations and stick to those. it needs to have a few plans based on format and match situation and hopefully a few for each situation to give some variability.

not to big ant, NOT ONE of these preset plans involve a pace bowler in the third over of a test match bowling with a silly mid-off, silly mid-on, straight off, deep point and no slips.

same thing should happen to the bowling, none of this trying to be clever looking at stamina etc. you do not open the bowling with a spinner in a first class match in england, under any circumstance except having a team of only spinners...

Isnt there a way to simply delete all the dumb AI field placements once and for all and just make our own? I have a couple of field placings I created myself which I stick to....but yes, it's annoying when you come up to bowl after simulating for a few overs, only to realise your Career fast bowler had the "Offspin Balanced 6" preset allocated to him.

Surely if we can ADD fields there should be a way to get into the installation folder and just delete the stupid ones?
It would almost be better if we could set "pools" of field choices within the following groups;


Then when that bowler came in the CPU would then go with whatever field the user had assigned them in the academy. If you put 1 field in the group they would not change for that bowler, if you put 2 or more, the CPU would then shift through those field choices.

It would not be perfect but at least we could set it up pretty close to perfect.

you actually can do that, assigning fields based on the bowler type, the problem is there's a lot of overlap and lots of the fields are nonsense. the biggest issue is not so much inappropriate fields for bowler type as ludicrous fields for match type or match situation. it's the one thing in DBC that is unquestionably worse than any other cricket game I've played.
I do enjoy the (what seems to be) default gaping hole between mid-off and point at the start of each match though; easy to score lots of runs through there. Agreed with what is being said - the AI is too reactive. If you keep hitting leg side then you sometimes get no fielders between mid-on and backwards point! Crazy really.

As suggested, reducing the number of presets and only allowing the AI certain fields during different phases of the game would be the best solution. Surely it wouldn't be too hard to calculate using the number of runs scored, wickets down, run rate and overs gone (and of course match type and if chasing a score etc...), even if it is pretty basic. Very basic and simple examples for Tests:

Runs: 0 - 50
Overs 0 - 15
Wickets: 0-1
Run rate: less than 4
= Attacking field preset

Runs: 0 - 50
Overs 0 - 20
Wickets: 2+
Run rate: less than 3
= Super attacking field preset

Runs: 250 - 350
Overs 50 - 70
Wickets: 0-2
Run rate: 5+
= Defensive field preset

Runs: 125 - 175
Overs 30 - 40
Wickets: 2-3
Run rate: less than 4.5
= Balanced field preset

Fielding presets: (4 of each to account for different batsman’s strengths or weaknesses, e.g. front + off, front + on, back + off, back + on)

Super attacking
Super defensive

In terms of figuring out the best field, the AI sees which of front or back foot and on or off side is stronger and then sets the field to exploit the weaknesses. For example:

Batsman 1: Stronger front foot and offside.
AI: Bowl short and have field placings such as short leg, leg gully or a man out for the pull/hook.

Batsman 2: Stronger back foot and onside.
AI: Bowl full outside off and have extra fielders in the slip/gully region or in the covers.

As I say, very basic and not really thought through, but would give a more realistic feel to games.
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A good example of excellent AI field placement is bringing on a Left Arm quick...with no slips or third man. Thank you, I'll have one (or three).
Okay I think we have good and enough suggestions, now lock this thread and give us patch 3 :( WC2015 is already halfway through.
It would help if Big ant had someone who had some knowledge of being a bowler which they obviously don't because no bowler would EVER allow a scorecard with no maidens on it! Pretty much every bowler of a good standard I have ever played with has been meticulous regarding the scorecard when they have come of the pitch.

Anyhow my suggestion from a few weeks ago would fix the problem with fields but cannot see it being in a patch. For those that missed/ignored it, he goes:

I'd like to see a feature similar to that of Cricket Coach and be able to design bowling plans which then could be assigned to individual bowlers. The more skilled the bowler equals the better execution of the plan. This would improve the AI bowling a great deal and by being able to share the plans via the academy the possibilities would be endless.
A bowler could be assigned 5 plans for each: Attacking, Normal, Defensive. This would mean if you were to face a team with 5 bowlers you could potentially be facing 25 different ways the AI would be trying to take your wicket and each team could be set up uniquely.
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It would help if Big ant had someone who had some knowledge of being a bowler which they obviously don't because no bowler would EVER allow a scorecard with no maidens on it!

frustrating isnt it? i mean, how difficult is it to write that line of code? You just hard code it so that there are strict rules: at least one maiden per bowler. Batsman always score something close to their average. De Villiers always scores a ton. South Africa always win. England don't.
Cricket games need more hard-coding and scripting, and less of this attempt to produce randomness that makes the game more interesting. Less gameplay, more realism please.
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I detect a hint of sarcasm there Chief, so here's another idea for Big Ant, invest in Pitchvision, realistic fields and how to bowl to them as opposed to unrealistic fields and how not to bowl to them! I think it would really help them out as it is a fantastic resource.
Something ive noticed while playing career mode and competitions is that the name of the home teams stadium doesnt appear on the scoreboard at the introduction of the match or on the scorecard during the game. For example if im playing Queensland vs NSW at the Gabba, a casual match will say "4 day game live from the Gabba" where as during career/ competitions and tours it is stuck on the default stadium name (Melbourne Stadium etc)

Something small I know but I think it needs to be looked at... thoughts?

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