Patch Update Thread

who cares about offline play??? Online is where it is at, man its 2009! same applies to fifa, COD. look at why these games are so sucessful, IMO it is due to the smooth online function and the mountain of stats for us to drool over.

AC09 online is amazing, but the profile/stat tracking is a joke. Here is a list of things a players profile should include... this should be easily veiwed in the game lobby...

games played.
completion %.
Average batting.
Average Bowling.

And do us all a favour, 100 spaces on the leaderboard??? pathetic, there are more than 100 players who would like to know how well they are doing. how about listing.... errmm... well, everyone!

Well, you can't even save online, so that kind of kills Test matches, including the Ashes online, and since the game's called 'Ashes Cricket 2009'...

Does anyone know whether this patch has sorted out the whole middle order slogging thing.

They said they're addressing the AI's runrates and aggressiveness, so I'd think so.
This month could be so great once the patch comes out, I've been playing Batman Arkham Asylum, Resident Evil 5 and imagine the tremendous amount of replay value the patched Ashes will have especially without much load time in my Win 7 ah what a month seriously.
It would be cool if they could put the dilshan scoop on the patch. very unlikley though
As Colin said, the patch is for fixes and not features. So scoop is highly unlikely.
This thread shouldn't really exist, because it's like lobbying the beta test group. The testers can't just change stuff and it helps noone to act like the beta testers are in a position of power. Imagine if we could just post a list of beta testers, how awful would it be for those people to be bombarded with comments? Make no mistake, it's a very generous move on behalf of Codies and Transmission to advise the community that beta testing has commenced. It creates hype and doesn't necessarily settle the community down.
Patience, it takes a long time to get things sorted.

yer, which is why it should have been sorted before release. I know - i'll charge you ?36 for something which is not yet finished, then make you wait weeks and weeks for a patch.

OK, how about i pay you ?20 now followed by ?16 when the product is finished? no? didn't think so.

Man, it's not like they didn't know the release date is it!
yer, which is why it should have been sorted before release. I know - i'll charge you ?36 for something which is not yet finished, then make you wait weeks and weeks for a patch.

OK, how about i pay you ?20 now followed by ?16 when the product is finished? no? didn't think so.

Man, it's not like they didn't know the release date is it!

It's pretty obvious really, of course they knew the release date. There are lots of games that have to get pushed back so they can be finished, because problems arise. This is one example of a game where they've had to make it from scratch for a very specific deadline, there's no pushing it back when it has to coincide with the series. Every developer knows the deadline for every game, yet lots are put back. I'd rather they maximised profits to confirm a sequel and then patch this as well, rather than this being a one hit wonder after the series.
Id rather have no patch and a sequel, but I highly doubt that will be the case. I would be really surprised if there was no sequel.
This thread shouldn't really exist, because it's like lobbying the beta test group. The testers can't just change stuff and it helps noone to act like the beta testers are in a position of power. Imagine if we could just post a list of beta testers, how awful would it be for those people to be bombarded with comments? Make no mistake, it's a very generous move on behalf of Codies and Transmission to advise the community that beta testing has commenced. It creates hype and doesn't necessarily settle the community down.

This thread wouldn't exist if the game wasn't so ridiculously faulty. :sarcasm
Good point

Not really, because the patch will come with or without this thread, and it's unfair on the people testing it. Also half the people on here want to use it as another "What would you like to see patched" type thread.
naaaa fair enough its being sorted now but i still find it hard to belive a half finished product was released to us when we put are trust in them and brought this game fair enough they are making it up to us now but maybe not as the patch is not yet here and people will still have there opinons on the game bad or good possibly.
I don't think it puts any particular pressure on the people testing. We already have long enough bug and wish lists ourselves!

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