Pause Of A Beautiful Journey For Me ... India win the series 3-2

Sure. Glad to have you back. Its been a long journey to India you know. :p

Great Rohit , Waiting for you to resume .
I'm too tired of the long journey to India . It's long as light years .... :p

Yup, Still interested. Would like to see this get back on it's feet again

lets start this

Let's get this thing back up and running

Thanks a lot!! 6 More
2 more needed to make it a 11 men squad so far and start with a basic lineup!!

I have had a crashing in Cricket Coach. Have lost all the data of this league in it as its no more recognized. But wait for something exciting here!!

If you still want to be a part please post here :) Sorry for this bad news. Tried hard to get it back but CC just seem crashing with our DB :(

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