PC version 1.15.x discussion/bug reporting thread

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100 overs with the latest patch. Or is it my useless bowling?

Perhaps you're right!!!! :D I'm getting edges quite often.... try with some quality bowlers, you'll find it! (playing on PRO). Mitch nails two edges in an over while playing a casual match last night...........
I have bowling assistance off.. Perhaps I need to be bowling in the green area to induce an edge?
Why my fielders are still running into the stands while playing at Sydney Cricket Ground to grab a catch?:lol is that something remained unseen? :)
Are we back to having slips for cosmetic purposes again? Havent had an edge in nearly 100 overs with the latest patch. Or is it my useless bowling?

sadly, slips catches have become even more rare, if that was possible. since the 1.15.x I have had one off a medium pacer (dropped!) and a two off spinners that didn't go near a fielder and one off a fast medium that didn't carry.
I have bowling assistance off.. Perhaps I need to be bowling in the green area to induce an edge?

yes, you need to be hitting the green zones to get an edge. I stepped up to veteran and so my edges have generally been less frequent, but on Pro in 1.1.5.x I was getting plenty of edges, but only to keeper - the slips edges have more or less disappeared.
-Batsman remains out of the crease for a moment after we press "Back"...Had a run out because of that yesterday...

-Had another run out which was realistic but the batsman was clearly in...

-I played 3 co-op after the patch yesterday and it was very lagging in all the matches.Didn't have that smooth gameplay like before....

-Run button doesn't respond well I have to press atleast 2-3 times for the batsman to respond...He does respond if pressed as soon as shot is played but if he returns its not responsive like offline...And after 1.15.7 the batsman whom I handle runs by himself sometimes meaning on the input of the other batsman, is this added into the game? I would like the control on running totally on the individual players rather than themselves..
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I still have a load of edges, to the slips and through and even over the slips......i wonder how things can differ so greatly between people...
I think its the difficulty level..All those claiming edges to slips, WK etc are playing on pro and those who are telling nothing are either on veteran or legend....
Edges are pretty frequent on PRO difficulty, for both spinners and pacers. But on Veteran, edges are very rare indeed. I never tried playing on PRO much, simply because I found batting is a lot easier there compared to Veteran where you always have to be on your guard to build a decent innings. If BA could somehow replicate on Veteran/Legend difficulty, the frequency of edges that is seen on PRO difficulty level, then the bowling would become very much enjoyable. Not unpredicatable and to some extent, a bit of a drag like it is on Veteran currently.

Hopefully, BA will release some patch which will hopefully fine tune the bowling mechanics.
I think its the difficulty level..All those claiming edges to slips, WK etc are playing on pro and those who are telling nothing are either on veteran or legend....

At least one of my saves is on veteran.....had edges flying through the slips for four....
I think its the difficulty level..All those claiming edges to slips, WK etc are playing on pro and those who are telling nothing are either on veteran or legend....
On veteran I'm getting edges, less so than on pro and I'd say the balance has tipped now I get more edges from spinners less from seamers, before it was vice versa.

However, pro or veteran for me slip edges have disappeared since the patches. Before I'd say the split was 70-30 keeper to slips, now it's like 98-2!!!
There are two things Big Ant desperately need to do to make bowling better - the first is to give some doubt to the AI batsman about the ball's path. So often they leave balls just missing the stumps... Ok, but then so should they prod at ones just missing and edge them, or leave one that isn't missing. As it is the AI knows the exact path of the ball.

Second, the AI should be penalised for playing across the line. This will increase leading edges and especially realistic LBW - the Gooch lbw b Alderman type dismissal doesn't really exist for the AI
At least one of my saves is on veteran.....had edges flying through the slips for four....
On veteran I'm getting edges, less so than on pro and I'd say the balance has tipped now I get more edges from spinners less from seamers, before it was vice versa.

However, pro or veteran for me slip edges have disappeared since the patches. Before I'd say the split was 70-30 keeper to slips, now it's like 98-2!!!
Maybe we should wait for all their gameplay related patches and then discuss...

BTW @blockerdave @Dutch : Did you play with that lowered attributes or the default ones??
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