PC version 1.15.x discussion/bug reporting thread

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I should also add, if you write up an issue. Please mention the build number. This can be found in the Credits from the options menu on the main menu.

Also a big thanks to @grkrama @blockerdave and @T.J.Hooker for helping with the field sets and fielding AI.

So if you have anything wrong with the new system and the fields...BLAME THEM!:D
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Changing the AI fielding was one thing missing for this game to become a complete pack! thanks to all involved! :thumbs
Added ability to set a single field for all batsmen and bowlers at once.
This doesn't work effectively in career mode - as the AI will set a new field in the overs you simulate, which then overrides your selection.
Mmm is it just me or does de umpire just ignore no balls in15.10?
I had this on 1.15.8 that wasn't called, then bowled something similar deliberately and it was called. Seems similar to online.


  • 2015-06-25_00001.jpg
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  • Added ability to set a single field for all batsmen and bowlers at once.
  • Fielding selections will now carry over between bowlers.
  • Reworked AI field placement decisions and field choices.

Fantastic, some very important issues addressed here, far too much time was taken up with constantly setting fields. Just one question though, has the bowler constantly switching from around the wicket/ over the wicket been addressed also? This is fairly annoying while batting but far more so when bowling.
Fantastic, some very important issues addressed here, far too much time was taken up with constantly setting fields. Just one question though, has the bowler constantly switching from around the wicket/ over the wicket been addressed also? This is fairly annoying while batting but far more so when bowling.

funny how things are subjective - i hate it more when batting than bowling. bowling i can send them back with one button, batting it's more immersion breaking: very rare for a right arm seamer to go round the wicket to a right hand batsman
funny how things are subjective - i hate it more when batting than bowling. bowling i can send them back with one button, batting it's more immersion breaking: very rare for a right arm seamer to go round the wicket to a right hand batting

I think it's because I get into a flow and routine while bowling and quite often my bowler is already running in as when I realise that he has switched sides. I will go around the wicket with a right handed batsman fairly often if I'm attempting to break up a partnership. I used to see Allan Donald do it fairly regularly, Trent bridge Vs Atherton being the famous example.
I think it's because I get into a flow and routine while bowling and quite often my bowler is already running in as when I realise that he has switched sides. I will go around the wicket with a right handed batsman fairly often if I'm attempting to break up a partnership. I used to see Allan Donald do it fairly regularly, Trent bridge Vs Atherton being the famous example.

Malcolm Marshall's threat to David Boon is my personal favourite "now David, are you going to get out now or will I have to go around the wicket and kill you..."
Malcolm Marshall's threat to David Boon is my personal favourite "now David, are you going to get out now or will I have to go around the wicket and kill you..."
Ross in latest version 1.15.10 umpire doesn't call no ball.please fix this.
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