PC version 1.15.x discussion/bug reporting thread

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I should also add, if you write up an issue. Please mention the build number. This can be found in the Credits from the options menu on the main menu.

Also a big thanks to @grkrama @blockerdave and @T.J.Hooker for helping with the field sets and fielding AI.

So if you have anything wrong with the new system and the fields...BLAME THEM!:D
In version 1.15.10 umpire does not call no ball in event of a no ball.
Version 1.15.10 is now live for the Public Beta Version branch on Steam.

Update Notes are as follows:
  • Added ability to set a single field for all batsmen and bowlers at once.

I have struggled to make this work and it seems to have introduced a new bug. Playing a test match as part of a tour (started after updating to 1.15.10), I changed my field to Pace Attack 5 and selected the new option to apply to all bowlers/batters. At the start of the next over, the AI "reset" it to the previous setting of Pace Attack 12. I reset to PA5 and again selected the new option but again at the start of the next over it was reset to PA12.

I then tried setting PA5, confirming as normal, then re-entering the field selection menu and selecting Apply to all without making any changes (i.e, leaving it on PA5). This worked for 2 overs but then the field was changed again and now I find the new bug: Having selected PA5 and used the normal Select option, the menu exited but the field in place was PA9! So I entered the field selection menu again and indeed PA9 was highlighted. So I changed it back to PA5 and again exited with the normal Select option, and again the field I ended up with was PA9. Third time and fourth times, I got PA7, then PA9 again, then PA12! Finally, on the seventh attempt, I got the field to change to the one I'd actually selected, PA5!

I don't currently have any software to capture in-game footage, but I can install some and try to get a video if it would be helpful, just let me know :)
@HBK619: Okay I just tried to test out the new limited overs field settings. Though better, they are a tad unrealistic and exploitable. For e.g. A Backward Short Leg when a Deep fine leg is present, No Third man and instead a fly slip even after the Power plays are over.

With this post I'm attaching the field settings I've created and I use. If these can be implemented for the AI, I'm pretty sure there won't be much room for improvement left. Have a look for yourself.

cricket14_2015_06_26_16_08_17_969.jpg cricket14_2015_06_26_16_08_20_568.jpg cricket14_2015_06_26_16_08_22_100.jpg cricket14_2015_06_26_16_08_17_969.jpg cricket14_2015_06_26_16_08_20_568.jpg cricket14_2015_06_26_16_08_22_100.jpg cricket14_2015_06_26_16_08_23_241.jpg cricket14_2015_06_26_16_08_28_294.jpg cricket14_2015_06_26_16_08_29_029.jpg cricket14_2015_06_26_16_08_29_764.jpg cricket14_2015_06_26_16_08_58_028.jpg cricket14_2015_06_26_16_08_59_685.jpg cricket14_2015_06_26_16_09_02_107.jpg
@HBK619: Okay I just tried to test out the new limited overs field settings. Though better, they are a tad unrealistic and exploitable. For e.g. A Backward Short Leg when a Deep fine leg is present, No Third man and instead a fly slip even after the Power plays are over.

With this post I'm attaching the field settings I've created and I use. If these can be implemented for the AI, I'm pretty sure there won't be much room for improvement left. Have a look for yourself.

Good effort ; good to point out that the AI fielding is still very much a WIP
Just to add a bit more to my previous bug report, it seems that since upgrading to 1.10.15, sometimes the game is also changing my field settings for me between balls even when I bowl a dot ball, so the same batsman/bowler combi, which previous to this patch would sometimes move the bowler around/over the wicket, but not change the field (as far as I'd noticed).
Just to add a bit more to my previous bug report, it seems that since upgrading to 1.10.15, sometimes the game is also changing my field settings for me between balls even when I bowl a dot ball, so the same batsman/bowler combi, which previous to this patch would sometimes move the bowler around/over the wicket, but not change the field (as far as I'd noticed).
You can press x to force fields to stick to all bowlers and batsmen
You can press x to force fields to stick to all bowlers and batsmen

Yes, I have been trying to use that. Please see my previous post/bug report about the problems this has been causing me :) Since 1.10.15, it's like the AI has taken total charge of the field settings and is overriding my choices, which is making them feel a bit pointless!
@AnkitC your defensive fields are fine for T20 (and possibly domestic list a i'm not sure) but in ODIs you can only have 4 outside the circle. you also don't have 2 catchers when you should (the game doesn't enforce this, which is fine but if you don't respect it you're cheating in my book).

also, people will probably notice a difference between @grkrama fields and mine. i have respected the 2 catchers rule (which the game doesn't enforce) and also use fly slip and short backward as "in the circle" 3rd man and fine leg, but not counting them as catchers - this means my fields have a lot more space to attack than @grkrama fields.

you're fields are probably more challenging, but they are also technically illegal.
@AnkitC Cheers, I will set some of these up for myself. Would you mind if I used these in another thread where others could also post their fields up? I think that people would find it useful.

Sure. Use it. Should certainly help more users.
@AnkitC your defensive fields are fine for T20 (and possibly domestic list a i'm not sure) but in ODIs you can only have 4 outside the circle. you also don't have 2 catchers when you should (the game doesn't enforce this, which is fine but if you don't respect it you're cheating in my book).

also, people will probably notice a difference between @grkrama fields and mine. i have respected the 2 catchers rule (which the game doesn't enforce) and also use fly slip and short backward as "in the circle" 3rd man and fine leg, but not counting them as catchers - this means my fields have a lot more space to attack than @grkrama fields.

you're fields are probably more challenging, but they are also technically illegal.

The 8th,9th and the 10th field settings have just the 4 players outside the circle, which make these apt for Non-Powerplay ODI overs.

About the 2 catchers rule, I would probably remove 1 from the cover region to a second slip. That should make it more realistic.

I'm not sure why, but is this rule respected in real cricket these days? Must be my bad. Thanks for bringing it to my notice. :cheers
Yes, I have been trying to use that. Please see my previous post/bug report about the problems this has been causing me :) Since 1.10.15, it's like the AI has taken total charge of the field settings and is overriding my choices, which is making them feel a bit pointless!

Really pointless, in fact. An AI opposition player just got away with his wicket because the catcher I had explicitly set the ball before for the very shot he played wasn't there the next ball because the game changed my field settings :( Being forced to check the field before bowling every single ball is no fun. Time to revert to the non-beta branch...
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