PC version 1.15.x discussion/bug reporting thread

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I've played online, not much but I've done it, and fail to see the big deal to be honest.

But whether online or offline is irrelevant, using supercharged fielders gives a worse experience. Just because I'm playing a 10 year old boy in Gurgaon doesn't make the fielder running from mid wicket to long off to take a catch suddenly acceptable.

Well I've found online to be the real deal in terms of competitive AI (humans) and having to adapt on the fly. You come across different players with varying skill sets and different tactics/plans. The fun is countering them on the fly and sometimes having to come up with a strategy in the middle of a match, just like what happens in cricket. Sometimes your opponent is good against your tried and tested plans or your strengths and you have to probe your opponents for weakness. You come across different field sets and different bowling choices which forces you to improve your game.

E.g., you might across someone who favors fast bowlers and in the subsequent games you might come up against spin and medium bowler based attacks. Some of your online opponents would prefer to hit through the off side while others may favor leg side or 3rd man area. You always have to think on your feet and I've spent countless hours in the academy to set appropriate fields to counter tactics and play offline casual matches to test my bowling plans and fields out. And when it all comes together against a real human opponent it's nearly as thrilling as out-foxing someone on the field. I haven't had a similar experience or anything close to it against AI as no matter what Big Ant might do, AI will become predictable within a few days of gameplay - not so with online. Focusing on fast fielders or any such weakness is missing the big picture as overall the enjoyment derived from a competitive game far outweighs the corresponding online experience. At least that's the case with me.

Respect to that! :D
Unfortunately; the world is filled with "those" types. And sometimes force is required to convert "douche" to "dude". ;)
being an Web developer, I don't think forcefully implementing "normalise skills" will be a massive resource consuming process. however; I'm not claiming that I'm 100% correct!

TBH I don't see a big deal. Do what I've done and create 3 teams for online. I've created one with 1.5 to 2 stars, other one with 3 to 3.5 stars and another one which is 4.5 stars. Depending on what my opponent selects I go with one of the three. If my opponent selects a super charged team I do the same and everything evens out.
A pure boundary hasn't given as 4 and also no ball bug. See this pictures
Just to add a bit more to my previous bug report, it seems that since upgrading to 1.10.15, sometimes the game is also changing my field settings for me between balls even when I bowl a dot ball, so the same batsman/bowler combi, which previous to this patch would sometimes move the bowler around/over the wicket, but not change the field (as far as I'd noticed).

This is happening to me as well. Especially when a Spinner is bowling from one end and Seamer from the other. I have two different field set for them. But for some reason when the Spinner has completed his over and Seamer is about to bowl the first ball of the next over, the field is getting reset to some random field. I can't even change the field or change the side of bowling before bowling the first ball with the Seamer. When the Seamer has finished bowling and Spinner is about to start the next over, same thing is happening once again! Only after bowling the first ball, I can change the side of bowling or field settings.
The 8th,9th and the 10th field settings have just the 4 players outside the circle, which make these apt for Non-Powerplay ODI overs.

About the 2 catchers rule, I would probably remove 1 from the cover region to a second slip. That should make it more realistic.

I'm not sure why, but is this rule respected in real cricket these days? Must be my bad. Thanks for bringing it to my notice. :cheers

i am pretty sure it's respected... that's why i did it. i think it explains the current scores of 350-400 being so common. 2 catchers and 4 outside the circle - jeez you don't have a lot of protection. i was looking at my fields and @grkrama and couldn't work out why his looked so much more protected to mine, then i realised about the catchers.
i am pretty sure it's respected... that's why i did it. i think it explains the current scores of 350-400 being so common. 2 catchers and 4 outside the circle - jeez you don't have a lot of protection. i was looking at my fields and @grkrama and couldn't work out why his looked so much more protected to mine, then i realised about the catchers.

According to what I read, the 2 close catchers rule applies only during the mandatory power play in One Day Internationals. Neither in batting powerplay nor during normal overs. Which is probably why I didn't notice.
According to what I read, the 2 close catchers rule applies only during the mandatory power play in One Day Internationals. Neither in batting powerplay nor during normal overs. Which is probably why I didn't notice.

ah, cheers. i have overapplied it then. i'll tweak my fields.
Well I've found online to be the real deal in terms of competitive AI (humans) and having to adapt on the fly. You come across different players with varying skill sets and different tactics/plans. The fun is countering them on the fly and sometimes having to come up with a strategy in the middle of a match, just like what happens in cricket. Sometimes your opponent is good against your tried and tested plans or your strengths and you have to probe your opponents for weakness. You come across different field sets and different bowling choices which forces you to improve your game.

E.g., you might across someone who favors fast bowlers and in the subsequent games you might come up against spin and medium bowler based attacks. Some of your online opponents would prefer to hit through the off side while others may favor leg side or 3rd man area. You always have to think on your feet and I've spent countless hours in the academy to set appropriate fields to counter tactics and play offline casual matches to test my bowling plans and fields out. And when it all comes together against a real human opponent it's nearly as thrilling as out-foxing someone on the field. I haven't had a similar experience or anything close to it against AI as no matter what Big Ant might do, AI will become predictable within a few days of gameplay - not so with online. Focusing on fast fielders or any such weakness is missing the big picture as overall the enjoyment derived from a competitive game far outweighs the corresponding online experience. At least that's the case with me.

TBH I don't see a big deal. Do what I've done and create 3 teams for online. I've created one with 1.5 to 2 stars, other one with 3 to 3.5 stars and another one which is 4.5 stars. Depending on what my opponent selects I go with one of the three. If my opponent selects a super charged team I do the same and everything evens out.

Couldnt agree more with the above quote , capturing the charm of Online .

Thats why from day one Ive been only playing online , and hence would much rather want an overall reduction by BA on the skills and attributes effectiveness , than to each time hope my opponent have done it or not. I only play online Tournaments , and will probably TRY and enforce the reduction of speed onto everyone and hope all complies. In my latest T20 Competition we are participating with teams thats 4 star Top Order , 3 Star Middle , 2 Star Tail , 4 Star Bowling and 3 Star spin , 3 Shield rating . I will probably play around more and ask everyone to lower their teams even further .

Below is a link to the almost completed competition on the above Star Ratings , check the results post to see average scores achieved .
PS3: - South African Pro20 League - Don Bradman Cricket 14 - Online Play and Leagues on PlanetCricket Forums

Just seems to be a very cumbersome and flimsy solution , versus BA doing a global reduction in one of their small patches that WILL affect everyone and not just a "closed" group of friends.
This is a new bug related to field settings that have been introduced by patch. The field settings are carried over for both batsmen, for one bowler to another, if field settings are same for both the batsmen. However, if the field settings are different for each batsman/bowler, then the bug is occurring time and again.

When the current bowler has finished bowling and the next bowler is about the start the next over, the field settings are not being carried over for the particular batsman. The field is set to some random field and no matter which field I'm trying to choose, the actual field will be some other field settings. After bowling the first ball of the current over, I can change the field settings normally and for the rest of the over, the field settings will be normal.

During the start of the following over, once again the field will be some random field as if chosen by the AI and I won't be able to select the field that I want to be bowling with. After bowling the 1st ball, I can change field normally.

This is only happening if I'm bowling with different fields for different bastman. If the fields are same for both the batsmen, then this bug doesn't occur.

Also, this happens if I'm bowling with Spinner from one end and Seamer from the another.

@HBK619 @BigAntStudios , kindly have a look at this bug.

I can confirm that the user can't change the side of bowling before bowling the first ball of an over. If the user tries to change the side of bowling before bowling the first ball of an over, then the fields get messed up andn o mater which field I choose, a random field is put in place.
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Okay 1 possible bug, 1 request:

Bug - 20/20 match, I get a fast ball down the leg side = obvious wide. However I happen to hit the run key, and then cancel it. Keeper throws the ball at the stumps but I'm back in. Over. WTF?? that should be a wide + another ball.

Request - please put in the bowler type esp for spinners. I didn't mind it so much playing in the Aust dom scene because I knew all the bowlers however I'm playing in County now and I have to try and guess whether they're left/right arm and whether they're off/leg spin or whatever. I shouldn't need to. The bowler type should be on the HUD somewhere eg. R Bopara - RHM or M Panesar - LHO or something.
i dont often do it, but worked right the few times i have done, but will try it out and see again.. could be due to latest patches or something.
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