People who have already preordered the game

I bet they will go to the shops and see a new cricket game, maybe buy it right then or look the game up online.

Sorry, but unless the kid is rich there is no way a youngster is going to pick this game over anything else. Sure the kids that love cricket will ask for it, but even then who's to say the parents will be willing to pay nearly ?50 for it? its my opinion that true blue have priced this out of the reach of many people. Its up to the sellers what they charge, but I know for a fact average joe is going to look at the price for this game, rub their eyes and check that price again! Ive spoken to a few people about this game and they asked how much it was. Their response was laughter and a simple....."hell no"!
Sorry, but unless the kid is rich there is no way a youngster is going to pick this game over anything else. Sure the kids that love cricket will ask for it, but even then who's to say the parents will be willing to pay nearly ?50 for it? its my opinion that true blue have priced this out of the reach of many people. Its up to the sellers what they charge, but I know for a fact average joe is going to look at the price for this game, rub their eyes and check that price again! Ive spoken to a few people about this game and they asked how much it was. Their response was laughter and a simple....."hell no"!

How would you expect developers not to charge for the money they spent on making a game. It is a game for very small market and I think those who love to play cricket game (young or old) will buy it if not at release then in next few weeks after looking at the footage on youtube and facebook which will be posted by all those people playing the game.
How would you expect developers not to charge for the money they spent on making a game.

Like I said in the post, its up to them what they charge. Im just telling it how it is. I dont know how it is in Germany, but in the uk its a fact that a kid will NOT ask for a cricket game with his pocket money when he can have ANY game that's out for a cheaper price. gives some of the best prices for new games, and even with my gold membership discount its still over ?45. There's no need to make a thing out of this btw, its just my opinion.
Like I said in the post, its up to them what they charge. Im just telling it how it is. I dont know how it is in Germany, but in the uk its a fact that a kid will NOT ask for a cricket game with his pocket money when he can have ANY game that's out for a cheaper price. gives some of the best prices for new games, and even with my gold membership discount its still over ?45. There's no need to make a thing out of this btw, its just my opinion.

In germany average Kid will ask what the hell is cricket ??? and who is Don Bradman is he from Italy should I be scare of him :D:D:D

No I am not making things out of it its your opinion I was just having a discussion not having a go at you.

I see your point G4AD, this will happen I am sure but if the kid is a huge cricket fan they will get the game. There parents will buy it for them if they ask enough times. In the end time will tell, there is no way this game will sell millions of copies as most people still don't know about this game.

I think this game will sell well but in time, over a year or so.
But it's barely 11 days away from the day of release and with tomorrow being Sunday one less day. 10 days is sort of cutting it way too close for my liking. Would have loved for the PR and marketing to be kicked off along with World T20 kick off.

Yea, a bit too late in my opinion as well. However, on the positive side, the PR campaign does kick off the coming week, so it will be an interesting week ahead.
One copy from eb games


One copy from eb games good you said it twice?

Not gonna bother until I see who has the collectors edition, how much it costs and the relative prices of everywhere that is selling it. I remember that I was able to get Metal Gear Rising for like ?30 at launch because Zavvi had an insane price for it (like everywhere else was ?45/50, yet Zavvi somehow had it for ?37), and I get a 20% student discount from there! No point preordering it for ?50 now if I can get it elsewhere for much cheaper by waiting a week...

e: like if the steel book is a bunch more expensive; then I'll not bother with it - I have a collectors edition of some random James Bond game that I got for ?5 at CEX (surprisingly, it works!); so its not like it'd go dramatically up in price over time...
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I know Indian kids. Once they see this game in the store, they will sit down, start crying and will shout that they are not leaving this store until you buy this game.

So I have a strong feeling, this game will earn lots of money from Indian kids. :lol
i have finally actually preordered! i got 1 steelbox ps3 version from Eb Games Adelaide! (steelbox was 10 bucks more than jbhifi but jbhifi only had delivery and it took 2 weeks for me once!)
I work next to a EB and in the last two weeks just about every time I've walked when their open the DBC trailer has been playing.
Just pre-ordered from Flipkart. I am in USA, but will be travelling to India during the release. I have to make sure to carry my PS3 now, having DBC14 in hand but no console to play with will be really tough.
I ordered one a few days back for PS3 from flipkart. I was one of those lucky ones who preordered as soon as it came up on flipkart. Thus i got 5% discount ;)

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