So how will it be?

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I actually stayed away from Pro Evo this year because of how below par it's been in comparison with FIFA over the past few years, but these posts have made me download the demo. Hopefully it's good but tbh, I can't see myself buying it over FIFA. I bet it'll be a massive improvement, but will it actually be better than FIFA though? And everyone buys FIFA nowadays so if you want online play it's the only way to go.
One good thing that Konami have done is introduced the ability to add new leagues, stadiums and edit old stadiums - going by the demo at least. I just prefer Fifa 11's gameplay - and PES' crowd just annoys me now. Really loud chants, interspersed with periods of near silence. Still, at least they've sorted that God-awful ball sound out!
I am PC Owner and really confused between these 2 games. Now when Fifa 11 PC version is also same as console (hope it is). Which one should I go for? Can't wait to play esp when I am going to play any game after 1 year :D
I am PC Owner and really confused between these 2 games. Now when Fifa 11 PC version is also same as console (hope it is). Which one should I go for? Can't wait to play esp when I am going to play any game after 1 year :D

Play both demos mate. ;)

Regarding Fifa, rest assured it isn't the same recycled rubbish we've had for around six years - it is missing a few features from the console versions, but it is nonetheless superb - it gets my vote, but play both demos so you can make up your own mind.

MasterBlaster76 added 2 Minutes and 4 Seconds later...

Nope. Many new games are coming in next 2 months so I will be saving money for that ;)

Yeah, I agree - it's bit dumb to buy two football games, especially when there are games such as F1 2010 coming in a few days. ;)
I've been away from this forum for ages (school work etc.), and kind of feel like I should be posting about a cricket game on my first post back here, but I don't like any of them, and havn't tried the latest ICC yet :p.

I'm loving PES 2011, it's fantastic.

I have hated PES since PES6 (and didn't even like PES6 that much, compared to 5!), but this year it's just so much better - it's very realistic and the balance between defending and attacking seems spot-on, for the first time since PES5.
Everything feels natural in a footballing way, you get rewarded and punished for footballing reasons, not videogame ones.

Some of my videos:

Someone on Evo-Web said curled shots weren't possible, then I scored this :).

Not a goal, but imagine how good that would have looked if it went in off the bar :p The shooting animation looks a bit strange on the close-up, but I thought it looked very realistic from the wide camera, especially the way the keeper didn't dive for it.

Trick then a very powerful strike

Yes, another David Villa/Barcelona video :p I do use the other teams, just most of the things I've done worth uploading have been with Barca ;).

Nothing special, I just used a manual pass to slide the ball into the corner, thought it looked realistic, especially from the close-up :).

Hey Madders.

These videos show the ultimate beauty that fifa will never master. (as much as i like fifa these days)

Pes just has that random feel to it, it never feels scripted.

Looking forward to both games this year.
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I'm an F1 fan, but initial impressions from people who already have the Codies F1 game are VERY negative, I will not be buying it!

Some people already have it? I thought it wasn't out yet.

Typical if they've botched it up - you wait ages for a decent PC F1 game, and they make a mess of it! That must be why they're not releasing a demo. ;) PC Gamer should review it in the upcoming issue - should be with me any day now - and I've always trusted their judgement, so we'll see what they say. Provided the review doesn't slip to the next issue of course.

Good to see you back anyway. :)

Edit: Fifa doesn't feel scripted to me. :)
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Edit: Chris Gayle
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I agree, I played FIFA 10 for quite a while and FIFA 09 for around 10 days, and I felt the goals were always the same.

In FIFA the defending has realistic elements, but they just put too much pressure on you; you can't do anything cool I feel, it's always "Pass to the closest guy so the defender dosen't get me."
I would say Fifa has become a tiny bit too physical (how the hell do you shield?), but I'm beginning to learn how to use the first touch and pace control systems to good effect and I'm having some cracking games! It's also more important to use width and aerial balls to find men in space.

Whether your game is Fifa or PES, this is going to be a great year for football games on the consoles and the PC - for a change! I'm just looking forwards to taking a team from League Two and seeing how far I can get them! :)

Any suggestions? :D
I agree that both games are good this year for a change :).

EVERY year previously really has only had one proper football game imo,

PES 3 v FIFA 04 - No contest, PES was a great game and FIFA completely sucked.
PES 4 v FIFA 05 - Same as above.
PES 5 v FIFA 06 - Same as above. Oh, and PES5 has only just been matched by PES 2011 in terms of gameplay...
PES 6 v FIFA 07 - PES started to become arcadey, and FIFA 07 had the new engine on 360, but it still sucked and PES6 was the much better game.
PES 2008 v FIFA 08 - Does this even need saying? PES 2008 is possibly the worst videogame released in the last 5 years... FIFA became pretty good and sim-like.
PES 2009 v FIFA 09 - PES still sucked, not as bad. FIFA became more arcadey but was still the better game.
PES 2010 v FIFA 10 - Same as above.

PES 2011 v FIFA 11 - Massive improvement for PES, FIFA is still decent... I'm just a realism nut so PES is my choice this year :).

Oh and to shield, you hold the sprint button without a direction, your player will stop and put himself between the ball and the defender ;).


For the PC, Fifa has sucked pretty much since Fifa 04 - finally, we have the 'NG' engine! Next year though, we want to see parity with the consoles, but I'm not holding my breath on that one.

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