I've been away from this forum for ages (school work etc.), and kind of feel like I should be posting about a cricket game on my first post back here, but I don't like any of them, and havn't tried the latest ICC yet

I'm loving PES 2011, it's fantastic.
I have hated PES since PES6 (and didn't even like PES6 that much, compared to 5!), but this year it's just so much better - it's very realistic and the balance between defending and attacking seems spot-on, for the first time since PES5.
Everything feels natural in a footballing way, you get rewarded and punished for footballing reasons, not videogame ones.
Some of my videos:
Someone on Evo-Web said curled shots weren't possible, then I scored this

Not a goal, but imagine how good that would have looked if it went in off the bar

The shooting animation looks a bit strange on the close-up, but I thought it looked very realistic from the wide camera, especially the way the keeper didn't dive for it.
Trick then a very powerful strike
Yes, another David Villa/Barcelona video

I do use the other teams, just most of the things I've done worth uploading have been with Barca

Nothing special, I just used a manual pass to slide the ball into the corner, thought it looked realistic, especially from the close-up
