PlanetCricket A to tour PC - Tour over!

Husser, your the CEO. Make a statement about the auto kepoer and electrical taped ball crap.
I'm more the money laundering, corrupt CEO than the one who cares too much about the wheelings and dealings of his subordinates. I think as the spiritual leader of the side Mossy, you are better equiped to do so.

At this rate however, there will be no-one from PC to actually make a statement to. This thread is like the TFFSL (insert TFFSL plug, yes thats, except for the dull green skin and dodgy smileys of course. :clap

Should be a great series though, can't wait.
Im off.

Huss promised me a good tour. Apart from Hooper, PC has offered me zilch yet.

Not completely true...
Hooper's offered to take care of Bushy for what I consider to be a bargain price!

Apart from that there's not much on offer apart from censorship.
Planet Cricket is more barren than Mars
You sir, have yourself a deal.


Are you sure its a Sundae that you want? I mean McFlurrys are pretty good. Heaps of different types also. But ok, Sundae it is.
0% Doubt.

Not completely true...
Hooper's offered to take care of Bushy for what I consider to be a bargain price!

Apart from that there's not much on offer apart from censorship.
Planet Cricket is more barren than Mars
Im not a murderer. Im sorry, I lied all this time...

I know, I should be ashamed of myself...
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Not completely true...
Hooper's offered to take care of Bushy for what I consider to be a bargain price!

Apart from that there's not much on offer apart from censorship.
Planet Cricket is more barren than Mars
I believe they have found some evidence of life on Mars making your statement void.:happy

PS: God i hate these smileys.

0% Doubt.

Im not a murderer. Im sorry, I lied all this time...

I know, I should be ashamed of myself...
Don't worry, when i chucked JM into that ditch that Bushy lives in, i tied a bomb around his waist, that should take care of the annoying one.
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Im off.

Huss promised me a good tour. Apart from Hooper, PC has offered me zilch yet.
The Karachi dude has offered a bit, and I've heard rumours of a change form first ODI from here to Karachi. Although rated the fourth ranked most unlivable city in the world, they've promised us no taped cricket balls.
0% Doubt.

Im not a murderer. Im sorry, I lied all this time...

I know, I should be ashamed of myself...

No-one said anything about killing Bushy. No-one wants that:cool:

I believe they have found some evidence of life on Mars making your statement void.:happy

PS: God i hate these smileys.

Nah, that was Hooper there too. He get's around.
Come on PCers! Get your ass in here and banter!

No-one said anything about killing Bushy. No-one wants that:cool:

Nah, that was Hooper there too. He get's around.
Oh well that would explain the corpse with multiple bullet wounds in its back.
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Boy boy, TF really have taken over.
Guys, There is something I feel I should share with you. It is an experience you shouldn't miss. I want you to get off your computers -yes, you heard me right- open the door, and go outside. Then, you start interacting with other humans, face-to-face and not through a chat room/forum/RPG. Great isn't it? It is called Having a Life. We here at PC enjoy Having a Life so much, we forget to sledge you guys on your poor cricketing abilities (Not that we need you, your performances on the pitch say enough). We sincerely apologize, but hope you soon learn how addictive Having a Life is.

Now that that is over, C'mon PC Panthers!!!
Guys, I know this is banter before the big series, but please less of the spam and insults. Good banter is ok, but just when you put 'haha' or offend somebody it's just not on. Please think about your posts from now on.
I think we'll win :)suck my big sweaty penis you takeforum cocks why don't you come over here and talk to us instead of being obese pussys typing away behind your computer screens whilst playing runescape.
Wow. All I can say is these guys are obviously very sad. As Zorax said, get into the real world. No one really cares about sitting just posting insults, we're too busy enjoying our lovely, full lives, while you sit here swearing and thinking your hard men.

"Bushy", appears to be such a quality lad :rolleyes: Average TF member I assume, from some of the other posts

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