PlanetCricket at the Ashes Cricket 2013 Preview

I've tried finding out from you exactly what you think he hasn't done to no success, so I'll put it bluntly - you are a totally ungrateful idiot who doesn't deserve the level of time and effort that we are getting.

Go away and come back when the game is out if you're never going to be happy.

You're kidding, right? Chief has been INCREDIBLY generous with his time here along with prompting Ross to get in on the community action. Say what you like about their below average promotional campaign, but Chief has been AMAZING with his time, information, Podcasts, answering your questions...

You've got to be kidding me...

Almost what I said. I have never talked low of Chief. Like numerous time on this same forum have I stated how grateful we should be to Chief. And that is my stand even now and always.

My point was against 505 and their licensing trouble. Matt, if you didn't know what I meant then atleast clarify before calling anyone an idiot. it wouldn't take much time to find you my posts and point out how you jumped to your conclusion there.

Finally, Im never sad about the game. I'm just discussing the topics over here. My emotion does not affect my words. It never does. There is nothing personal. I hope you get that part right.
You're kidding, right? Chief has been INCREDIBLY generous with his time here along with prompting Ross to get in on the community action. Say what you like about their below average promotional campaign, but Chief has been AMAZING with his time, information, Podcasts, answering your questions...

You've got to be kidding me...

Well said. Folks are treating Chief a tad too harshly here and it's almost akin to "shoot the messenger" mindset. It's unfair to compare Chief/Jamie with Ross as Ross is the CEO of the development and most probably publisher of BA cricket game, whereas Jamie is an employee of the publisher (505 Games). He doesn't have the luxury of following Ross' footsteps.

It doesn't help Jamie's cause that Ross has set the bar way too high and we are lucky to have head of a video game development shop interacting with us on such a regular basis. Yes, Jamie is no Ross but he's no EA either. Let's appreciate the fact we have these two folks on here representing two upcoming cricket games rather than diss either of them pitching against each other. wouldn't take much time to find you my posts and point out how you jumped to your conclusion there.

That's a bunch of total junk, do you even READ what you type?

One more thing, Sibi before you belt out some inane reply; Chief has set a new standard (and a high-bar) for all future cricket game developers to measure their community interaction, feedback and contributions by. Ross' very presence in the BigAnt forum is testament to the pressure put on by Chief in having an UNHEARD OF open-door access to the inner machinations of the Cricket gaming development world.

We would not have access to Ross, the Cricket Academy or ANYTHING from Big Ant if it wasn't for Chief voluntarily coming here and interacting with us on an unprecedented level*. Again, say what you like about the game when it's released and whatever else but I simply cannot (and will not) have blatant revisionist history disrespect for everything Chief has come here.

We want this kind of open-door access to CONTINUE and you blathering on about not getting screens or videos, however valid, has absolutely nothing to do with the amazing interaction we've had from Chief for months now answering questions, giving out sneak-preview information and changing/tweaking whole game elements in response to our feedback - something Barmy CONFIRMED when we (PlanetCricket) were name-dropped in their Lords presention to the press. That is a HUGE DEAL and it's all because of Chief!

I get used to people completely ignoring facts around here, but you're the WORST for just making s#%t up and totally ignoring logic and sense. Please stop.

* I'm actually going to take a little credit for this as well, since it was my uneducated takedown of their first preview image that actually got him posting here to begin with. I'm pleased my initial reaction actually got him here and even more pleased to find out I got him and the BA product completely and totally wrong.



Well said. Folks are treating Chief a tad too harshly here and it's almost akin to "shoot the messenger" mindset. It's unfair to compare Chief/Jamie with Ross as Ross is the CEO of the development and most probably publisher of BA cricket game, whereas Jamie is an employee of the publisher (505 Games). He doesn't have the luxury of following Ross' footsteps.

Exactly. Chief is an integral cog in the wheel of Ashes Cricket whom we get unmolested access to [there's a 'user title' line to quote, Matt]. Ross is THE WHEEL at Big Ant. There's a HUGE difference in what Chief has access to (and what he can/cannot divulge) and what Ross, the CEO OF THE COMPANY can do.

How is this difficult to understand. Again; Say what you like about their average marketing plan, but Chief has been, and IS an amazing guy. Also very witty and has more time for some of you than I do. You can cut out any besmirching of his character or contributions.


I just wanted to say besmirch. Underrated word.
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Almost what I said. I have never talked low of Chief. Like numerous time on this same forum have I stated how grateful we should be to Chief. And that is my stand even now and always.
Yet no matter what he says it is never enough. You cannot say that sort of thing about being grateful to Chief at the same time as saying this:
Anyhow, Ross knows our wishes. 505 has their own world were they operate between themselves. We can discuss only what we know but the only one listening to us in a more dynamic way is Ross, so we request Ross to be the first to capture the market. You know there is just this faded line between 505 and us compared to BA. Even EA gave us a better experience.

If you did realise how lucky we are to have the level of interaction we have with Chief, then suggesting 'no one is listening to us' is idiotic.

Name one thing other than not showing the game that he hasn't done for you!
Nw i dont even feel like its being an officiall video game.
Not that it matters now, but Matt I never said no one is listening. I said dynamically. If you are cutting out my adjectives there is hardly anything I can say.

Hmm well I must clarify that I would be the last one to be ungrateful to anyone I meet. If any of my posts against 505's approach was in any way related to me saying Chief hasn't done anything for us, then I must apologize for that. I am sorry.

Biggs, I agree we had a lot of difference in opinion when it came to piracy and pricing but other than that I'm not sure what you mean by ignoring logic.
Everything we know so far about AC13 is only for chief
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Not that it matters now, but Matt I never said no one is listening. I said dynamically. If you are cutting out my adjectives there is hardly anything I can say.
By all means explain what 'dynamic listening' is and why Chief isn't doing it if you're going to try and worm out of what is a fairly clear statement.

Perhaps you just like saying one thing in the Big Ant forum and pretending that you didn't in this one?

Name one thing other than not showing the game that he hasn't done for you!
Still waiting. I will not drop it until you do.
Nobody can see anything. It's a jumbled mess of incoherent ramblings. Glad you got that as well.

Answer Matt's question...
By all means explain what 'dynamic listening' is and why Chief isn't doing it if you're going to try and worm out of what is a fairly clear statement.

Perhaps you just like saying one thing in the Big Ant forum and pretending that you didn't in this one?

First of all if you thought I was accusing anyone of not listening then you are wrong. Second, dynamic listening was much attributed towards BA's approach to CA updates. And if you thought why I ever said that, as you could see my follow up line, where I requested Ross to release the game asap. It was no big deal Matt. If 100 people here said we want the game soon then there are more chances of Ross releasing sooner than 505, who have licencing troubles.
There is nothing to read between the lines there.

Still waiting. I will not drop it until you do.

If you still didn't get it. Chief did a lot for us. I wouldn't waste even a second trying to admit that. Why don't you both understand that I wasn't talking low of Chief's antics. For again I state, it was 505's recent behaviour and what they asked Chief not to do. Im not saying he should have done somthing. Im just saying '505' could have let him do something and hence it weren't generous.

Are you still not convinced?


Nobody can see anything. It's a jumbled mess of incoherent ramblings. Glad you got that as well.

Answer Matt's question...

Im not sure where you getting at.
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Are you still not convinced?
You are saying there is a big wall between 505 Games and us, yet supposedly have nothing but praise for their representative on here in Chief?

Besides screenshots, what could 505 Games do to make you happy? Do you just need to hear what Chief is saying though the mouth of some PR person instead?

What is Chief being stopped from doing, besides showing you the game, that makes you think 505 Games are not letting him do anything and not being 'generous'?

His whole posting on here is a decision that 505 made to allow him to be as open as he has. Hence me trying to explain to you just how terrible EA's approach to the cricket community was, yet you deflect that with trying to talk about EA's other games like there would be an equivalency between how they deal with their multi million dollar franchise like FIFA compared to a Cricket game.

If 100 people here said we want the game soon then there are more chances of Ross releasing sooner than 505, who have licencing troubles.
No, their licences are fine - they are one of the reasons you haven't gotten screenshots yet, but it's not a reason for the game being delayed (though they've said clearly that it isn't and I'll take them at their word).
Nah, nobody could get onto the level of that legend naveen. ;)

And Sibi, stop going around in circles.

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