PlanetCricket Mafia II - Day 4 (Game Abandoned)

I'm not convinced this game is well designed. Like
Manly has still made me suspicious with his last post. Working under the assumption, as we were, that it was 6-3 then lynching hastily and without discussion/claims is anti-town play.

True is does seem scummy, but nobody is in danger of being lynched as it stands, his lynch is the initial lynch on BB (i think, in fact i'm pretty sure it is) so it's not like he has set up the 3 mafia to just quick hammer him.

I'd be much more suspicious of anyone who threw on an additional lynch, it does look iffy but could easily be some trying to lure band-wagoners?
I don't even need to be nervous about role and character claiming to be fair haha

I'm Insomniac and I am the commuter. I am an x-shot commuter, and won't be revealing just what x equals, but I can disappear from the town at night like I disappear from the forum!

Unfortunately me revealing now puts the rest of you at higher risk, but Colin you now don't need to waste a night protecting me
Didn't realise I only had 1 post today.. could've sworn I analysed the write-up, questioned a few people and gave a player analysis. Only Yashdude has come under fire from me for not posting at all after considerable time on Day 1. Swirler and Ste for underwhelming analysis. So the one guy I had some pro-town vibes from today decides to go and spread some misinformation. Nice.

Haven't been entirely convinced about the 6-3 setup. 3 full mafia members in a 9 player game seems a bit much, so a kinda half member like a mafia/mason started making sense. Not keen on lynching either of the claimed masons at this point though. It's surprising how simpler things become with 1 less player to worry about though, either through deaths or having another confirmed townie, so Blitz and Swirler should have a clearer idea I think.

PD's claim seems to fit. Not sure about Colin's. JK and a Doc just sounds weird, not that JK is confirmed, but Colin also seems to think we have, or had one.

I suppose commuter is the surprise package role?

If we assume those roles are correct, then there's a decent chance of stopping a kill tonight. PD can attempt to redirect the kill onto Manly as he commutes and Colin can attempt to protect.

I expected more from Yashdude tbh. I thought he had some potential from the newbie games, but consistently posting one-liners just doesn't do it for me. Seems the scummiest so far, so should probably be the next to claim.
aye I just re-read and seems I was slightly off, you mad a bunch of posts not long after the write up, not much after though so I wasn't completely off.

But off by enough to acknowledge I was wrong.
Not sure about either of the claims. I guess Barmyarmy had to after his idea for everyone to claim, so it's easier to find the mafia. Looks like manly just did what Barmyarmy wanted him to. Sounded like a good idea from Barmyarmy, but it does confuse things and won't work until Set, Sedition & Yash make a claim.

If Yash makes another scummy post, and doesn't defend himself, I'm willing to support a lynch on him; Becuase he's currenty not adding anything
PD, did you try to bus drive Manly by any chance? That could have resulted in you being unsuccessful if he was commuting. I think a bus drive takes priority over most things, so not really sure.

He was a surprise package for many. But, he had a bigger responsibility now. He did the needful.

Still trying to figure out who this line is referring to. Either Colin or Manly, or perhaps someone else?

Commuter is somewhat of a surprise package, not being used often, but was in Colin's game. Bigger responsibility now that one of his shots has been used perhaps.

Doctor isn't surprising, unless we also had a JK I guess.. Bigger responsibility because the other protective role is now dead?
I feel it's the right time for me to role claim.Just before the town might lose.I'm Great India,the townie roleblocker.
:facepalm for myself for roleblocking PD on Night 1,who I thought might be the mafia.So it very much clears me on PD.
He's the only one very eager to lynch me.Maybe 'coz he knows my role as a townie RB.
FOS:Swirler and Blitzberg
Still feel their character claims are fake.
A doctor, town roleblocker and possible jailkeeper.. does not compute.

The only other role I could think of for Varun was Hider, but for him to end up dead, it would mean he hid behind mafia and the mafia's actual kill was blocked, or he hid behind Manly while the mafia targeted Manly.. kinda low odds for either of those scenarios.

Dunno how I would "know" your role as a town RB. If the mafia have a rolecop, they wouldn't have known your role on Day 1 when I started coming after you. With a few claims now starting to fit, I'm obviously going to go after the one who has contributed the least as far as scumhunting goes, and can't keep their story straight about newbies being attacked when they're attacking each other :rolleyes

Only myself and Ste left to claim. Would love to be able to counter claim Ste and pull a mafia from nowhere, but I might aswell go ahead.

I'm MattW, the cop. I wasn't able to use my role last night for reasons I'm still yet to figure out. I didn't investigate Manly, so it wasn't because of him commuting. So I was either roleblocked by the mafia, roleblocked by town, or my target was jailkept or something else weird depending on Varun's role or if Ste has another role messing with things.

If I knew it was the mafia blocking me, I would've claimed early, but too much doubt over what happened so I was gonna keep quiet. Might aswell hear Ste's claim now.
Yashdude is definitely mafia. I set a trap in my post earlier when I said that role blocker could be a town role. With Varun (almost certainly) being jailkeeper I knew that roleblocker was mafia and hoped the mafia RB would try to claim town.
Incidentally the bit about the surprise package is referring to my character as that's what my role PM says.
Yashdude is definitely mafia. I set a trap in my post earlier when I said that role blocker could be a town role. With Varun (almost certainly) being jailkeeper I knew that roleblocker was mafia and hoped the mafia RB would try to claim town.
Incidentally the bit about the surprise package is referring to my character as that's what my role PM says.
No idea which post are you talking about.TBH,didn't read any of your post saying anything about the roleblocker.And how can you be so sure of Varun being a jailkeeper? :)
Night 1
He wanted the power but, in the correct manner. He could work for both which wasn't in his control. His priority was always the good members though. He thought this will be the correct profile to hide. That's what he did. As he returned from that profile, he saw someone viewing his profile. Moments later, his own profile couldn't be found as the other power hungry user had a big wide smile on his face and his status read '1 down!'

"always the good members" - town aligned
"correct profile to hide" - jailkeeper is the only role that does that
"moments later his own profile couldn't be found" - killed therefore Varun
The last time I saw barmy analysing a lot was in expert cop mafia 3 and later on was revealed to be scum, still he makes sense here.

Unlynch: Ste

FOS: Yash

Nine members were viewing the PC mafia forum when it all began. In these 9, there were some who had it all planned. They wanted to rule PC, they wanted power, they were desperate! After being on the site for some years now, they thought they deserved more. But, they didn't get it. So, they decided to work together.

It was now on the other members to save PC. The problem was no one knew who the other was. Except... Someone had messed up with their usernames. They couldn't even post them. They only had one way out and that was to identify and remove the anti PC group! Will PC be saved again or will the anti PC group prove themselves this time? Let's find out..

PC mafia II begins!
It is now Day 1.
With 9 alive, it takes 5 for a lynch.

This is the part about 6-3 and longer-term members. I agree that it could be deliberately mis-leading so I'm prepared to give Manly a chance for now. Best play with a mafia claiming survivor is to lynch them last. If they are survivor they win; if they are mafia they lose.

In terms of night roles I think the bus driver needs to not use his role. We need the cop and doc roles to get through without interference.

Lynch: yashdude

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