Review Official Review


Well someone needs to get out more and get a life then dont they:D

You have opened my eyes! My life has been an empty shell up until I read your post, thank you so much for this veritable gem. Look out world, here I come! :facepalm

Perhaps you could come join me in my new found quest for carpedeim, or would you prefer to get your jollies off sitting at home and insulting people on forums? I heard that's what the cool kids are doing nowadays.
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More seriously, is there going to be a patched game review?
You have opened my eyes! My life has been an empty shell up until I read your post, thank you so much for this veritable gem. Look out world, here I come! :facepalm

Perhaps you could come join me in my new found quest for carpedeim, or would you prefer to get your jollies off sitting at home and insulting people on forums? I heard that's what the cool kids are doing nowadays.

it was just a joke but you clearly cant take jokes i meant no seriousness by it as i really dont know anything about you but like most people on this forum they cant take a joke and take offece to it chill dude and grow up end of

jamershepp added 2 Minutes and 16 Seconds later...

the smile afterwards was to make it sound more like a joke but you seriously didnt see it that way as your out on this forum to find and get involved in every little argument that you can so in future dont over react to a nothing comment and just leave it from here yes?
:cheers and in the future try not to be an arse to people you dont even know
if i would have taken offence to every joke on this forum i would have hunted someone down and killed them bye now lol

jamershepp added 2 Minutes and 5 Seconds later...

get lost if your gonna be big fat cry baby grow up you child im not an arse just thought i woud have a joke around as this is a fun cricket site but someone isnt big on jokes clearly people joke on this forum face it if you dont like it leave i woud perfer this.
Apparently I am not the only one who cant take a joke :D

To avoid getting too far offtopic, let us continue this delightful banter on PM, if you really want to that is.
Could we please get an updated review of Ashes Cricket 2009 as it has been patched by Transmission, would give an insight into it for those waiting for the console patch and see how much it's improved!
Could we please get an updated review of Ashes Cricket 2009 as it has been patched by Transmission, would give an insight into it for those waiting for the console patch and see how much it's improved!

Not until there is an official patch release.
I'll try and edit my original epic to reflect the patched nature of the game. :)

Not until there is an official patch release.

That's true, they might sort some other stuff out for the full release (or screw something up, but they haven't done badly so far, so I have confidence...)

It's important that we can still use Beta 2 (for online, mainly), just in case something dreadful happens with the full patch. :D
That's true, they might sort some other stuff out for the full release (or screw something up, but they haven't done badly so far, so I have confidence...)

It's important that we can still use Beta 2 (for online, mainly), just in case something dreadful happens with the full patch. :D

Can you post a review of beta 2 in that case? I am on PS3 and so don't have any idea what changes were made in the patch. It would be great to read a review so I, and other console users, know what we might be getting post patch.

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