Planetcricketised Premiership

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Ok the Primus-Hyppia deal is for 10 matches. From there we can either increase the deal for a longer length or just get our players back.

Jdeus, Luke Young for Steve Finnan?
Man, Im regretting choosing Man C. I hate them and their club and players.

Offer me trades people, I am obviously venerable as I don't have that much knowledge. All I know is that I have a great keeper.
Loan requests:

Ole Gunnar Solskjaer from Manchester United
Hoyte from Arsenal
you can take Ole on loan :)

Loan Deal - John Mikel ( Chelsea) for Paul Scholes (Manchester United) 20 matches :)
not a chance

Rooney and Ronaldo from Man U. I would have asked for Teves but that would be unrealistic...
lol you don't get if you dont ask but you also don't get if you ask ridiculous questions Will :p

i would like rossi of MAn Utd if possible.
Rossi doesn't play for United,he plays for Villareal
LF could take either eagles or saha if possible
or Rabeta if possible would you let Walcott or Bendtner go to pompey??
You could tkae Eagles on loan but i'd like to keep Saha. Also Lee i think you forgot Tevez because he's a registered united player
mate i did ask about silvestre fletcher and park as well on loan deals i am willing to offer dyer and babayaro in return for a loan of 20 games?
I'm keeping my squad the same as it is. Those players are too good, i'll only really consider letting go of youth or real part timers
Umm...I request:

Drogba and Terry from Chelsea

Rooney and Ronaldo from Man U. I would have asked for Teves but that would be unrealistic...

Bendtner and Flamini from Arsenal
Ghaly from Spurs
Dyer from Newcastle

I will offer Carlton Cole (ST), Nigel Quasie (MF), Richard Wright (GK) for Bendtner/ Flamini, Ghaly and Dyer
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