Currently you can (supposedly) edit the following:
- Nationality
- Contract Length
- Salary (may not be working properly)
- Salary Demand (may also not be working properly)
- England Contracted
- Batting Ability
- Offside/Legside Preference
- Aggression
- Frontfoot/Backfoot Preference
- Pace/Spin Preference
- Hand (right or left)
- Wicketkeeper status
- Player type (opener, batsman, allrounder, bowler)
- Bowling Ability
- Bowling Style (RF, RFM, RMF, RM, etc.)
- Injury Type
- Injury Length
Keep in mind that the program may contain bugs and you could really mess up your game, so backup before editing.
Fe ® added 12 Minutes and 13 Seconds later...
I found some more stuff the other day while trying to edit Derbyshire. Should work for all teams (guessing here as I didn't test it). Go to Team Records, Historical, Highest Total. Search for that in Artmoney. A lot of results may come up so you'll have to isolate it somehow. Once you've it found open the memory editor on this byte. Using this as byte 1 referred to in the table below I've broken down the rest of bytes.
Item Bytes
Runs scored 01 - 02 Highest Total
Against 03 - 04
Year 05 - 06
Runs scored 07 - 08 Lowest Total
Against 09 - 10
Year 11 - 12
Runs scored 13 - 14 Most Runs (season)
[Blank] 15 - 16
Pointer to name 17 - 20
Year 21 - 22
[Blank] 23 - 24
Most Wickets (season) 25 - 26 Most Wickets (season)
[Blank] 27 - 28
Pointer to name 29 - 32
Year 33 - 34
[Blank] 35 - 36
Pointer to name 37 - 40 Best Bowling (match)
Wickets 41 - 42
Runs 43 - 44
Against 45 - 46
[Blank] 47 - 48
Where [?] 49 - 52
Year 53 - 54
[Blank] 55 - 56
Pointer to name 57 - 60 Best Bowling (innings)
Wickets 61 - 62
Runs 63 - 64
Against 65 - 66
[Blank] 67 - 68
Where [?] 69 - 72
Year 73 - 74
[Blank] 75 - 80
Runs scored 81 - 82 Highest Innings
[Blank] 83 - 84
Pointer to name 85 - 88
Against 89 - 90
[Blank] 91 - 92
DON'T KNOW !!! 93 - 96 ***
Year 97 - 98
[Blank] 99 - 100
Some stuff may be wrong so feel free to make any changes.
As for the Partnerships screen...
Beginning at byte 101, each is 24 bytes broken down as follows (number of bytes in [])
Year [2]
Blank [2]
Against [1]
Blank [2]
Runs [2] ???
Blank [2]
Pointer to player 1 [4]
Pointer to player 2 [4]
Blank [4]
Partnerships (all 10 of them) ends at 341
Then there are 32 blank bytes followed by 8 more (not blank, dunno what they are).
Recent records start 376 bytes from the top.
Hope someone could make some use of that. Don't mess about with it if you don't know how to use Artmoney, though.
btw, all of this is for ICC 2008