Pomers was on to something - scripted randomness in DBC14

And Blinder would have got away with it if it wasn't for the pesky fanboys.

I don't know anything about Blinder's previous encarnations but as far as I could see he was only raising genuine concerns about the game. If he had excepted Ross' explanations, that would have been the end of the matter.
It was only when he was rounded on by certain members that his true identity become apparent.
I didn't agree with many of his observations but I don't see that as a reason to become abusive towards him and give him the opportunity to bite back.
He should have taken the new identity of 'Blinder' to wipe the slate clean and not to have been reactionary.
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We have systems in place that failed on this occasion. Once people have had 5 accounts banned they tend to get wise to how we're catching them unfortunately.

Well you would have thought that with the wages staff get paid and the fact that they can spend every minute of the day patrolling all the members because they dont have familys to look after, a company to run, any other job or hobby, that he would have been caught easily. Shocking.
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You know, I was even tempted to try out what he was saying he was experiencing.. to either prove him right or wrong.. in the end I'm glad it became known that it was Pomers early.. as like last time I disproved his 'theory', he didn't even acknowledge it (he had plenty of time before he was banned that time around).

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