Pomers was on to something - scripted randomness in DBC14

- Outside of career mode, its harder to score runs with your number 4 than with your number 9 batsman.
- Outside of career mode, the human team seems to always get bowled out around the same over mark.

^Both of these are false from my experiences.
Very good Post here , and I must concur fully with the abovementioned points.

You're not in the house of Lords :p

There's more wrong with the original post than there is right, to the point that I couldn't be bothered pointing out the individual issues except the obvious idiotic insinuation that decisions from umpires are related to score. FWIW The umpires are the same for AI and player.

Did you ever play AFL Live 1 btw? ( I assume you did as you say you agree with the all of the comments - There is no catch-up logic in there at all.)

I am glad though that you concur with "Big Ant's explanations mostly ease my concerns".
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You're not in the house of Lords :p

Actually you're right. Lord Acid Burn is a hereditary peer, and thus was not eligible for automatic attendance after recent reforms.

*NOTE: This is a joke, and not necessarily factually accurate. NO RETURNS.*
Way too many predictable things happen when you play the AI - this is obvious when you play against them enough and test different things IMO.

Why does the AI score roughly the same score in a T10 with 5 out fielders on the boundary and then when you everyone in slips when you bowl to them on legend? Test it yourself. Firstly play a T10 with normal field restrictions, then do the same again and put everyone in slips/catching and the AI final score will end up in roughly the same scoring range. It seems pre-determined to score at a set-rate. Your bowling skill and field placements seem to make no difference. It's out of your hands. Only thing that can affect this is the suicidal run-outs the AI will all of a sudden attempt.

I have consistently found it harder to score with our middle order batsman than with tail enders. Ashton Agar is a gun with the bat compared to Adam Voges. I've played several T10 and T20 competitions and tournaments(including 1 x IPL, 2 x Big Bash and 1 x T20 World Cup), a 6 team 4 day competition and 3 x 3 match test series of against the AI. In each of these competitions at the end of the series the tail enders, particularly number 8 and 9, have all averaged more than the middle orders of both the human and AI teams. You just have to take a look around and see how many times people have mentioned scoring big scores with the likes of Mitchell Johnson. His stats in the game aren't that great. And think about how many times yourself you've been going ok at 2/40 odd then next thing look at the score its 5/58. Then come back and make a decent 180 odd. It happens way too much.

As for AFL Live 1 I have smashed that game offline and online. Yes there are times when suddenly things just get beyond your control. The AI starts to hit every tit lace out and nails ridiculous goals. But then there are other times when you can run all over them. I have a feeling it might be something to do with the default tactic setting of each team though - the AI doesn't ever adapt and change these on the fly during a game. Collingwood's default tactic settings are always harder to play against than Essendon's default tactic settings, therefore matches against the latter are walkovers. Doesn't matter what shape the list is in that takes the field.

These are just my own experiences. As I've said I prefer playing against the AI in comps and casual matches as opposed to career, so my experience of AI tendencies might be completely different to others.

Maybe BA didn't put in as much testing time into these modes or something. That would be my guess. Its pretty obvious that whatever testing regime they used is hardly comprehensive. That's why we are all hanging out for these patches.

Each to their own I guess.
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You are easily the most negative bloke on this forum

After reading everyone of your posts, I continually wonder why you play the game

I wish you would stop playing, or BA could somehow ban you from playing, and then we would see how much you enjoyed the game

go back to playing $hitty shane warne cricket and leave Big Ant to do there thing which the rest of us enjoy and APPRECIATE!!!
You are easily the most negative bloke on this forum

After reading everyone of your posts, I continually wonder why you play the game

I wish you would stop playing, or BA could somehow ban you from playing, and then we would see how much you enjoyed the game

go back to playing $hitty shane warne cricket and leave Big Ant to do there thing which the rest of us enjoy and APPRECIATE!!!

But he takes his time to post his "views" here as most of those posts are long....:p

But anyway its his view on the game so I might just ignore it...;)
You are easily the most negative bloke on this forum

After reading everyone of your posts, I continually wonder why you play the game

I wish you would stop playing, or BA could somehow ban you from playing, and then we would see how much you enjoyed the game

go back to playing $hitty shane warne cricket and leave Big Ant to do there thing which the rest of us enjoy and APPRECIATE!!!

Its gullible and frankly stupid people like you that are incapable of forming an opinion and believe everything you hear which holds humanity back.

Constructive feedback given to the developer is why we are getting things fixed in patches in the first place. Wake up and realise this is how the world works.

I can see at least 3 points that are in the change notes that I've contributed constructive feedback on, hopefully for the benefit of all.

If you don't like it, oh shnookums.

This constant brown-nosing elentless sadistic praise (and smilies) that is branded out all the time here is just childish, stupid and doesn't actually achieve anything.
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But he takes his time to post his "views" here as most of those posts are long....:p

But anyway its his view on the game so I might just ignore it...;)

Too long given that he just posts the same crap using different words...
Too long given that he just posts the same crap using different words...

Yeah I think when he starts tying for the post he thinks he is writing different stuff but ends us posting the same...:lol:lol
This constant brown-nosing elentless sadistic praise (and smilies) that is branded out all the time here is just childish, stupid and doesn't actually achieve anything.

Nor does prattling on about the same shit over and over and over and over...
Thanks Snowy.

The day you ever write a post that isn't patronising and condescending let me know.

Its disappointing cos you really do come across as the greatest waste of w*nk known to man kind, and may not actually be like that in real life....
The day you ever write a post that isn't patronising and condescending let me know.

Patronising? I cam't think of him ever being patronising, he does a very good job, do you understand?
Thanks Snowy.

The day you ever write a post that isn't patronising and condescending let me know.

Its disappointing cos you really do come across as the greatest waste of w*nk known to man kind, and may not actually be like that in real life....

Please realise that the majority of the community doesnt like you, be gone... please

What your saying effectively is that you didnt want this game released at all, that is your point many times over

I could not disagree with you more

I am 100% happy with how big ant have moved forward, they released the game, the community played it, we all realised there were minor faults, and since then Big Ant have release 1 patch which fixed things well, will release another patch on the 13th, and have already forecasted a 3rd patch to continue to improve things

yet this is not good enough for a pimple dick like yourself

you continually begrudge Big Ant, who have simply made the BEST CRICKET GAME of all time, I know because i have played everyone, and this is the only one that has held my attention for longer than 2 weeks

the constructive feedback we give is no doubt welcomed

the shite you post is not

you are a flog

go away... now please!!

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