Post your questions about the game here!

Thanks Duval i will try it! But in real life i cant really play a defensive shot! i usually cut it of the backfoot
Yeah and they come out of nowhere...They run faster than cheetah in the game...;)

Worst thing is when they stop a well timed shot by jumping/diving 12 feet away, and an odd shot that gets past them gets stopped by the non-striker :( Big Ant should try to get the non-striker swaying away from the ball piece back into the game the way it was when the original game released. Right now I see the non-striker stop a shot up to 2-3 times an over occasionally, which is a tad too high.

On similar lines catching and fielding skills of close-in fielders - short leg, silly mid off & silly mid on - need to be toned down drastically. Really sucks to be caught by short leg off a well timed shot or by silly mid off when you hit the ball off the middle of the bat. Plus they shouldn't be able to stop most of the shots hit their way. You hardly ever see close-in fielders stop a full bloodied shot but in DBC 14 the close-in fielders act as iron man stopping or deflecting nearly everything hit in their "sphere of influence".

Once again paging @fiction so he can pass this feedback for the next iteration of the game.
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WHen will Update 1.15 releasing for DBC 14 Pc game? Please tell me Ross...
Ya in fielding department close in fielders require a lot of work, right now they act as bounce pads , so that even if i time really well i cant be sure as of ten the ball bounces of them and bowler catches, its cool the first couple of times.. but then its just a limiting factor for your shots..SRT got caught like that only once in his long career, my year old career has been out more than 10 times that way and witness atleast one such event every 2 or 3 matches.

Apart from getting out that way its also a limiting factor for scoring which feels artificial.
Worst thing is when they stop a well timed shot by jumping/diving 12 feet away, and an odd shot that gets past them gets stopped by the non-striker :( Big Ant should try to get the non-striker swaying away from the ball piece back into the game the way it was when the original game released. Right now I see the non-striker stop a shot up to 2-3 times an over occasionally, which is a tad too high.

On similar lines catching and fielding skills of close-in fielders - short leg, silly mid off & silly mid on - need to be toned down drastically. Really sucks to be caught by short leg off a well timed shot or by silly mid off when you hit the ball off the middle of the bat. Plus they shouldn't be able to stop most of the shots hit their way. You hardly ever see close-in fielders stop a full bloodied shot but in DBC 14 the close-in fielders act as iron man stopping or deflecting nearly everything hit in their "sphere of influence".

Once again paging @fiction so he can pass this feedback for the next iteration of the game.
Ya in fielding department close in fielders require a lot of work, right now they act as bounce pads , so that even if i time really well i cant be sure as of ten the ball bounces of them and bowler catches, its cool the first couple of times.. but then its just a limiting factor for your shots..SRT got caught like that only once in his long career, my year old career has been out more than 10 times that way and witness atleast one such event every 2 or 3 matches.

Apart from getting out that way its also a limiting factor for scoring which feels artificial.
Agreed on both posts....And why do some shots off middle of the bat which are maybe timed a bit off give the sound of edging it??
Can someone please help me!!!! This is the second time that this has happened! Im busy with a game and i save and exit the game. As soon as I put my xbox on again and wants to continue with my career it doesnt give me an option to continue. The only option i have is to start a new career! This is frustrating.... please help me!!!!

I've got exactly the same problem here! I've been trying to access my saved career mode over the past few days and for some reason the "continue" option is shaded out. I can see the save file when I go into the xbox settings, yet I am unable to actually play it! I was wondering whether there is a way in which I can fix this? Cheers
Worst thing is when they stop a well timed shot by jumping/diving 12 feet away, and an odd shot that gets past them gets stopped by the non-striker :( Big Ant should try to get the non-striker swaying away from the ball piece back into the game the way it was when the original game released. Right now I see the non-striker stop a shot up to 2-3 times an over occasionally, which is a tad too high.

On similar lines catching and fielding skills of close-in fielders - short leg, silly mid off & silly mid on - need to be toned down drastically. Really sucks to be caught by short leg off a well timed shot or by silly mid off when you hit the ball off the middle of the bat. Plus they shouldn't be able to stop most of the shots hit their way. You hardly ever see close-in fielders stop a full bloodied shot but in DBC 14 the close-in fielders act as iron man stopping or deflecting nearly everything hit in their "sphere of influence".

Once again paging @fiction so he can pass this feedback for the next iteration of the game.

Ya in fielding department close in fielders require a lot of work, right now they act as bounce pads , so that even if i time really well i cant be sure as of ten the ball bounces of them and bowler catches, its cool the first couple of times.. but then its just a limiting factor for your shots..SRT got caught like that only once in his long career, my year old career has been out more than 10 times that way and witness atleast one such event every 2 or 3 matches.

Apart from getting out that way its also a limiting factor for scoring which feels artificial.

Agreed on both posts....And why do some shots off middle of the bat which are maybe timed a bit off give the sound of edging it??

I would actually disagree to some extent on all of the above, unless there is a difference in AI fielding based on difficulties. On low difficulty (rookie and pro) I find it many times balls passing near the close-in fielders and I get opportunity to take doubles and even 3's sometimes. But this just my experience, maybe there is something to do with player's attributes, or as mentioned before, difficulty, I am not sure, but my experience with close-in fielders isn't that bad. I would agree on non-strikers stopping well timed shots almost all the times, though.
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Just a quick question.

I've been playing this game relentlessly at a mate's house and he has live. I really have no interest in live as I'm more into career mode games, but I understand I'll need it to download the correct rosters.

If i grab a 2 day live pass and download the rosters, can I then continue to use those rosters offline?
Or must I be online anytime i wish to play with the real players.

Basically what I'm asking is: Will I need to purchase a year of Xbox Live in order to play this game and enjoy the real players?

Thanks in advance
You don't even need a two day pass - a free silver account is all you need.
the game is awesome,only thing i need is,able to edit team,players,their kits like that things,when a career is started,otherwise its so hard to play with same kits, with same players whole the career.
Okay so I played it for a few month on my PS3 before the poor thing died in my arms and thus forcing me to a PS4 upgrade. Since then it was a great ride with awesome games on PS4 but the downside was that there was no DBC on that. Now I have a decent gaming PC too thus thinking of starting again on PC. I have a few questions:
1) Can i carry over my progress in career mode from PS3 to PC. (Highly unlikely but hey whats wrong in hoping)
2) Have they added the option to start the Career from other teams as well?
3) Should i wait for patch 3 before starting career?

P.S: Good job on visual upgrade of PC Matt. ;)
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Hi, i been busy and never used the forums lately. I will appreciate it a lot if someone could tell from where to get the official team logos, kits etc, best wishes

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