Post your questions about the game here!

Yeah there is; don't know exactly what it is but I'm pretty sure that its a very high number - I hit it and had plenty of teams I was willing to get rid of
Wow, you really did spam it everywhere didn't you...
well someone found out then this conversation can be buried....

Found the answer 199

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I'm sure i could find the answer with a bit of trawling however int he spirit of the thread i shall ask anyway!

Career mode, just started second season and back at Hampshire whom i picked at the start, when it gets to the point of moving to Aus and then the IPL will i again be with the same teams or do I get certain offers each season depending on performance?
Different each time, you usually get offered your original side plus one or two other options. You're not stuck with the same team.
I have been playing this on PS4 for a couple of weeks now in career mode, and i have read the forums so i know that there is an AI problem when it comes to them edging the ball, so i have two questions:

1) is there any point in having any bad/pad and slip fielders? occasionally the ball hits the b/p fielder in the head or something and then he catches the rebound off himself, but in a lot of overs bowled as a spin bowler, i have never seen a genuine b/p or slip catch. is this the game, or because of my skill levels? (i have played two full seasons)

2) if it is the game, is this going to be fixed by a patch? it is a great game, and i wouldn't say it is ruined by this but it is a large hole in it!

one more thing... caught and bowled while bowling... i guess you have to react with the right stick in time to take a return catch?
Got a bat pad just the other day when bowling against the AI, had a wicked catch to slip against @SnowyCasanova ...which is neither here nor there but it was pretty sweet... Doesn't answer your question so um...

The updates to the the PC version remove quite a few of the PS niggles so yeah, worth having those fielders and the update once it passes submission should go a long way to fixing a good chunk (but not all) of the current PS gameplay.

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