Post your questions about the game here!

To be fair the player aspect isn't too much of a pain, and in reality the kit issue shouldn't be either but it's niggling. Can see a restart in order. Oddly ended up in the same team presumably as Hughes as you mention....which was fun.
Yeah, I was well invested in my career by that point, my career teams have all sorts of issues now even avoiding get-best as many of the teams have evolved since that point anyway and the stat-manipulation that @blockerdave has put a lot of time and effort into doesn't help me in my career either so yeah, it's a pain in the ass how the game manages such a wonderful feature, but if you're new to the game you have plenty of tools and threads at your disposal to avoid it, unlike most of us.
Perhaps as happens in written forms text can come across more combative or aggressive.

If that were the case I'd have used stronger language than spanner. I'd also counter with at least the question was asked in a question thread albeit with searching i could have found it. Anyhow think we got there in the end and didn't mean to offend etc. :cheers
Well my ire was exaggerated just to call gogga a jocular vernacular...

But there's a serious point. The game is unlicensed. The only teams/rosters you should have any expectation of being "correct" are out of the box ones: correct here being with "Tindoolka" style names and a year out of date. (Actually they're nearly 3 years out of date since BA made them a good 18 months before release and never updated them, officially a "massive oversightTM".)

If you download community content, it's inherently coming with no guarantee of quality. This is exacerbated because the academy was released bit by bit, with more features opened up so players and teams were created before equipment, kits etc were editable.

In any game, in any mode, you should be checking the quality of downloaded content - it's just common sense understanding of crowd sourcing. It's doubly true for DBC & triply true for career.
....also you need a controller to play. In case you hadn't heard.
Well my ire was exaggerated just to call gogga a jocular vernacular...

But there's a serious point. The game is unlicensed. The only teams/rosters you should have any expectation of being "correct" are out of the box ones: correct here being with "Tindoolka" style names and a year out of date. (Actually they're nearly 3 years out of date since BA made them a good 18 months before release and never updated them, officially a "massive oversightTM".)

If you download community content, it's inherently coming with no guarantee of quality. This is exacerbated because the academy was released bit by bit, with more features opened up so players and teams were created before equipment, kits etc were editable.

In any game, in any mode, you should be checking the quality of downloaded content - it's just common sense understanding of crowd sourcing. It's doubly true for DBC & triply true for career.

Have to admit first time I've heard jocular vernacular in longer than I wish to remember! Luckily I have stumbled across this site and this evening can put in motion correcting the teams and restarting.
It's all too easy, really...
Pls help me to update to new version,
How to update ?

Search your hard-drive for a folder called "System32". This is a file pertaining to your firewall. If you delete that folder, your game will automatically update forever and ever thereafter.

You jackass.
Search your hard-drive for a folder called "System32". This is a file pertaining to your firewall. If you delete that folder, your game will automatically update forever and ever thereafter.

You jackass.

I think the problem is more of the "aargh me hearties" variety than his firewall

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