Post your questions about the game here!

1200 people online now and almost 400 of em viewing this forum. Why not sign up, you lurking buggers?...
Links are live, will make a thread soon.
Pffft. I don't "attack" anyone... I "advise" them constructively.

They're all spambots...

Really? ALL Spambots?

That's called height of laziness. :)

In all fairness, I lurked for about 2 years because I was el aye zed why and I had no alibi... but still... nows the time to sign up!
1200 people online now and almost 400 of em viewing this forum. Why not sign up, you lurking buggers?...

Everyone just looks at the start as they don't know anyone or they are scared of you Biggs. Come to the light Newbies.:D
I would say its at 99%, since the next game is what Will bring the max profits.

Maybe with word of mouth and a late marketing plan plus the other game in knee deep crap the don with surprise everyone with it's sales figures in time.:clap

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