Post your questions about the game here!

I would bet Ross knows something we don't! Whether its game related or not though is another matter!
He was making a joke... Nothing more. Fairly confident the qualifier was the :p smiley. Allow me to place the :rolleyes in this sentence also, as a quantitative qualifier for having to type all that.
He was making a joke... Nothing more. Fairly confident the qualifier was the :p smiley. Allow me to place the :rolleyes in this sentence also, as a quantitative qualifier for having to type all that.

my wife has a little saying, which she usually brings out when i've made a slightly too honest comment about some girl in a shampoo commercial and what i'd do given half a chance and then say i was joking...

"in every joke some truth"
It's true in the sense it's the only game I'll be buying... [/applicable smiley here]
Well,how much time does it take to complete 1 day in test cricket and is their any way to adjust....time?.
I have asked this earlier too that what takes time forward in game, is it the number of overs? And does time stalls if the player keeps standing at his run up start?
Can't imagine a bowler bein allowed to stand at his mark all day to waste time, but if he's havin a chat with the skipper it might waste a minute or two, ala England's slow over rate!!
In no ways its a game breaker but in nba2k and fifa we can waste time if the match situation is in our favour. Though cricket is not played in restricted countdown timer scenario but each session has it's own time duration.
I'm sure this has already been answered - time just passes on a per over basis at a constant rate - you can't do time wasting tactics or rush through overs.
The only thing I would expect to change over rates are spinners/ seamers or high scoring overs, like the real sport, common sense really!!!
In no ways its a game breaker but in nba2k and fifa we can waste time if the match situation is in our favour. Though cricket is not played in restricted countdown timer scenario but each session has it's own time duration.

Woah woah woah - there is nothing remotely 'special' about passing the ball around in the backfield in FIFA or calling timeouts/intentionally fouling in NBA 2k....thats just the nature of the sport and is hardly a 'feature' of gameplay
So if the first session is bowled by seamers only we should manage around 24 overs in first 2 hour session and if spinners are also used we can extract around 30 overs. Will it be like that?
So if the first session is bowled by seamers only we should manage around 24 overs in first 2 hour session and if spinners are also used we can extract around 30 overs. Will it be like that?

Not to go off topic but it astounds me that overrates are allowed to be so poor in Test Cricket that 12 overs an hour is considered the norm

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