Post your questions about the game here!

@LegBreakGoogly - using joyinmotion (or whatever it's called) I was able to remap some of the controls as the left stick kept bringing up the pause menu.
Barmy, you've been having a fiddle for a while, what are your impressions??

? Vaguely on topic
I think it's really well thought out. Having to think about your footwork rather than just waving the bat makes it feel to me like I'm actually batting in the nets myself. I've found it quite hard so far to adjust to the length and miss most of the short and full deliveries but I'm trying to work out the best timings for footwork etc.
i.e. step and then play the shot or try to step and play the shot together
As that's a decision I face in my own batting (!) it's nice to encounter something that feels "real" in a cricket game.
I've also found it quite hard to get a sense of what balls are hitting the stumps and which are going over. I used marker to set the bowling machine to hit the top of off with a inswing bowler and an offspinner and it's shorter than I was expecting.

One for Ross here - would love it if the net surface could change to replicate conditions and ground around the world like they do at the SCG indoor school. Speaking personally my biggest gripe with nets in cricket is the extra bounce and it would be amazing to work April in Durham and December in Perth into the net conditions. In Scotland we spend all pre-season playing off the back foot at indoor nets and then get bowled under the bat off the same length once the season starts ;)

Another nice feature (poss too late) would be counters for ideal timing and not losing your streak if you make a good leave or duck. The counter in nets at the moment encourages you to play every ball which isn't necessarily a good thing. If you get ideal timing on a duck or leave you should get credit for that rather than for wild slogs that edge to the keeper as at present. It all feels rather T20ish ;)
hi Ross i would like ask that the 0.9994 CA has solved the sharing players problems on server where a player would replace other player if they have same first alphabet, same last name and same age regardless of the their differnt nationality and teams. Kind regards.
Speaking personally my biggest gripe with nets in cricket is the extra bounce

I was wondering about this, and whether it had much to do with how many shots seems to stay high. Even the ground shots seem to go through the air for a while and I could see a lot of them being caught. Not sure how to control that more if possible.
Hey Ross after watching the trailer for the eleventeenth time i realised when the bowler runs up his head doesnt move at all? It looks a bit odd with the the body moving and the head gliding. Is this unnoticeable in game or is it a 'small bug' ?
Yet the short balls don't bounce enough to have to duck or be able to play hook shots.

The bowling machine balls do bounce more than usual though, those rubbery jugs ones.
I was wondering about this, and whether it had much to do with how many shots seems to stay high. Even the ground shots seem to go through the air for a while and I could see a lot of them being caught. Not sure how to control that more if possible.

I'm talking about real nets at that point :p
Hi Sir Ross or Matt. I wanted to know if the game is complete ?? I mean is the game done with development or are you still making small patches. Cheers :cheers:)
About the timing part. Sometimes late is good. There is a reason the 'late cut' got its name. Also hitting the ball finer that you could. They are intentional and late.
Apologies if this has already been asked,

When you leave your crease / advance down the track and hit a good shot, the batsmen still turns back to try and avoid being stumped.....looks a bit odd, specially when you've hit a big shot over the top...

does this happen because its a net session or is this standard.....
The only shots i have found missing are...

Guiding the ball to the third man past the wicketkeeper/slips while being upright.
Slog sweep over midwicket region
Advanced down the ground block/ground shots

Anyone found anything else?

My favorite shot is sweeping fast bwolers in veteran mode. Feels so badass!! :p
whether the game has helicopter shots? what are the unorthadox shots present in the game?

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