Post your questions about the game here!

no avatar is better than bad anime avatar.

although this forum seems to have the lowest anime-to-notanime avatar ratio, which i am eternally thankful for since most free forums seem to be full of creepy bronies and suchlike, which generally ends up scaring off people not interesting in a cartoon for girls.

Besides, I now have the best avatar in existence and no one can challenge me

shut up and dont be oversmart....i can also say anything about you,your avatar so just be quiet
Avatar SLAM! Can't wait for this one to escalate... It's also smartass, not oversmart. The latter is a compliment.

*chews popcorn*
I'll note, he's changed it anyway... Peer pressure, eh?

This can be his new avatar. :D


Because i hate fighting any creature from iceage

What about that sloth, he seems like an easy target.

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