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On a lighter side, Can some pakistani member explain " What's up with ul haq's and runouts" :p
On a lighter side, Can some pakistani member explain " What's up with ul haq's and runouts" :p

It's just that whenever Misbah gets run-out or out on a low score, Pakistan secures a victory and I am sure Misbah was doing that. Easy for us. :thumbs
MattW this is a single type of thread for IPL tournament why you'd closed that.What is the problem with it?

''No more leagues.

Closer to the release there will be a subforum for leagues and online play. Wait.''

That's what he said on the topic.
Probably because they got in first before it became cluttered with copycat threads? The fact it was "English" and yours was the IPL makes absolutely zero difference.
Nope that was not the case I was thinking of tournament from a long time before.I had came after long time today on forum and created this thread and vam! MattW closed it
@super_Cricketer , Your reasoning is flawed mate. The fact that yours was Indian tournament and other was not had nothing to do with it getting locked. The names of the teams are just superficial. Other than that players are the same. Only reason he locked this thread was that it was indeed a copycat thread. You did not even have a plan. Samp and Markkk have put some time and effort to create a detailed plan. That is why their threads were allowed.
What would be the damage to this forum by that post. Ha ha:yes

If you have genuine reason for good, it is easy to sort out in PM I would believe than discussing here. :)
Nope that was not the case I was thinking of tournament from a long time before.I had came after long time today on forum and created this thread and vam! MattW closed it

I was thinking about creating a movie about robots coming back from future and killing some kid. Today I googled and found this James Cameron guy stole my idea. :mad I'm gonna sue him :rolleyes

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