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Not saying it impacts speed, I'm not sure what the impact is - that was just the context to the explanation I got.

The accuracy of the delivery would be the most obvious effect from not grounding the back foot correctly. But again, not something I looked at, I find the holding down motion to be easier than trying to let go and then time a push forward separately.

Worth reading the explanation from Big Ant regardless.
As I said in the bowling thread my accuracy improved massively once I was probably messing down rather than holding it.

Indeed, credit you for that tip. Spent so long learning the other way I had it pretty much mastered it, but much easier the new way.

@MattW you just said that's their explanation for why you weren't generating speed.

At any rate, it really doesn't do anything noticeable.. Accuracy is the same subjectively and speed is exactly the same. Seems like whichever you find easier is fine.

Perhaps they changed their design plan or perhaps it only makes a difference above pro?
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@MattW you just said that's their explanation for why you weren't generating speed.
At the time I was bowling wrongly in another way - I was pulling down and then immediately pushing back up the whole way. It was the lack of delay between the pull down and the push up that was where I was going wrong and losing speed.

Obviously results would be biased towards what we've practised more on, after a brief test of it, I found that speed was the same but my accuracy worse when letting go - but that could simply be not being used to it. I wish there was an option to have no batsman in the practice match and see all the BARS stuff.

I play on Veteran.

Do you use left stick pushed and held, or pushed and released?
I hold the stick, but you don't need to - however what might be tripping some up is that pre-delivery the left stick controls the bowler's crease position.


You only need to point the left stick to select the delivery type once - but you need to do that after you have commenced your run up by confirming the length with the face buttons.

So I imagine that some might be holding it to one of the corners for picking swinging or cutting deliveries - but then release that once they've pressed the button - which is instead resulting in them just making a slight change to their crease position and then bowling a nothing ball.
I'm not totally clear on when the crease adjustment press comes. At what point does a crease adjustment become an off/leg cutter?
Hi, guys. I'm a total newbie and I just have a quick question. Can you choose which side you want to control on the match setup screen? It seems that it only allows you to control the home side. I don't see the option in the match settings, but I suppose it's possible that I'm overlooking something. Thank you!
Hi, guys. I'm a total newbie and I just have a quick question. Can you choose which side you want to control on the match setup screen? It seems that it only allows you to control the home side. I don't see the option in the match settings, but I suppose it's possible that I'm overlooking something. Thank you!

Yeah, i think thats a kind of a bug where you can only play as the home side..
Hope they give us an option to choose sides in the upcoming patch #2 .
Hope this helps :)
Yeah, i think thats a kind of a bug where you can only play as the home side..
Hope they give us an option to choose sides in the upcoming patch #2 .
Hope this helps :)

I'm having a great time with the game, so no worries. Thanks the quick response. The first patch really helped things along, so hopefully the second one can correct little nagging issues like this one.
So to bowl from wide of the crease you go:
LS right
X (or equivalent)
LS up and right (for an inswinger)
RS down
RS up


I thought it said something about pressing LS for angle at the same time as you press the face button.
So to bowl from wide of the crease you go:
LS right
X (or equivalent)
LS up and right (for an inswinger)
RS down
RS up


I thought it said something about pressing LS for angle at the same time as you press the face button.

That's correct.

Except you are shining the ball ;)
Guys i really need some help for my ps3 cause i m not able to use any other resolutions above 720p on my Hdtv Hdmi cable. And 720p is not looking good either. Any solutions guys. I am from USA

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