Post your questions about the game here!

Can't log in to academy!

So I had uploaded some teams a few days ago (with better jerseys) because I downloaded the game again to my other PC and then I could just log in to my uploads and redownload the teams I made. It went fine, but today when I clicked my uploads, it told me to login. I logged in, and then it said you are using an older version of the game, to update, go to When i pressed launch website, it redirected me to and the website said Not found the resource could not be found. After that, the online community button in the game is completely grayed out so i cant even click it now...
Yes when i am bowling i can hit the right keypad and change bowler, however this doesn't work when i am batting.

Is there something wrong with the game i bought from the us store (Ps3) store?

please i really need help in getting this fixed/resolved at this point i am thinking of just byuing the game on CD

Check with Ross or HBK regarding the issue you are facing. Pressing right on d-pad should display batsman and bowler confidence. Maybe it's the timing thing and you are waiting too long to press the d-pad.
How to use the PC controller! I have never used a controller in my life and although I have seen the diagrams of the controller, there isn't any place I can see which tells me what the different controls do and when to do them,!
For instance: How do I attempt to hit the ball? How do I go about bowling?
Do I press number 8 or one of the rotating handles
I was surprised that it is assumed everyone knows how to use a controller, there is no booklet in with the game as is the case with all games I have ever bought.
For any help Thank You from a helplessly puzzled Brit. Who loves his cricket.


For PC users there's a digital manual provided in PDF form.


Could someone please assist me in figuring this out.

I am based in USA, and i bought the game trough the online PS3 store.
It seems like i dont have the latest update where i can see confidence meter while batting. WHen i check for udpates it tells me that my game is already up to date.

Is there a way where i can check if i have the latest version and if so why cant i see the confidence meter while batting, i am trying to click the right key pad on my ps3 controller before the bowler bowls.

Any help is appreciated.

The version number will be shown in the credits screen on the bottom right hand side.

Yes when i am bowling i can hit the right keypad and change bowler, however this doesn't work when i am batting.

Is there something wrong with the game i bought from the us store (Ps3) store?

please i really need help in getting this fixed/resolved at this point i am thinking of just byuing the game on CD

There isn't any difference between the digital version on the game and the retail (disk) version.

A PC bug:
Game get stuck on 'Posting score to leaderboard' in the menu and cannot be cancelled when not connected to the internet. A fix would be appreciated!

In the credits screen on bottom right you will have your unique Steam ID, let me know what that is and we can look into it, otherwise the general fix is to purchase a legitimate version of the game.

Guys, I searched in many forums for the issue I'm seeing in DBC 14. Its an awesome cricket game of the history and loving it. Thanks Big Ant. Now there is a problem I'm facing since the time I started playing. Im using a Xbox 360 and I'm not connected to internet. It means I have never connected Xbox live. But as DBC 14 had this Bradaman Academy of replacing terms and certain patches has been released I connected to Xbox live by sharing network from the laptop. So the first time when I connected Xbox live, DBC asked whether it should replace the teams and I gave YES and it downloaded all the recent teams.After the download I pulled the network and started playing as usual. No complaints.

Now the problem I see is, when I want to play the game, I play offline without connecting to Xbox Live. What happens is after some days when I start the game again, I could see all the replaced names and players were disappeared and it holds the default names back again.

So again I have to share my network from laptop and replace teams again. This has happened nearly 10 times, and every time I have to replace teams. When I replace team it gets saved in the storage right? In that case why is the names going back to default players and all the downloaded names disappear. I don't have a facility to keep Xbox live connection all the time. All my games I have played offline. Can someone help me to understand what is that I'm really doing wrong here?

I am hoping this is fixed with the latest patch on Xbox.
Changing players in career mode

How do we change players in the team while we are halfway through career mode? It seems to be the same players all the time and i cannot change.
hey Ross
can we have ipl format in game
actual fixture with eliminator and qualifiers
and other leagues like big bash, champions leage ,ram slam t20 fixtures

or can we edit fixtures in cricket academy acc to need?
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Sorry if this is complete noob question but just playing on PC and started a new career at Amateur difficulty. Does AI fields partly depend on the difficulty as well as game situation? As I'm an opening bat and the field never changed once over the course of 23 overs in a 40 over game... with same field for spin+seam up bowlers. Just wondered. As i normally start my career at Pro but i found when i start age 21 the difficulty soon changes up within 2-3 games, just a tad too quick for me.

Edit: Right after posting this i go back to the game and look out! The fields are changing! Is the game spying on me? reading my inner most thoughts... :eek: haha!
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Sorry if this is complete noob question but just playing on PC and started a new career at Amateur difficulty. Does AI fields partly depend on the difficulty as well as game situation? As I'm an opening bat and the field never changed once over the course of 23 overs in a 40 over game... with same field for spin+seam up bowlers. Just wondered. As i normally start my career at Pro but i found when i start age 21 the difficulty soon changes up within 2-3 games, just a tad too quick for me.

Edit: Right after posting this i go back to the game and look out! The fields are changing! Is the game spying on me? reading my inner most thoughts... :eek: haha!

I think HBK confirmed that fields will change dynamically in PRO mode and above, not at Amateur or Rookie level.
So I had uploaded some teams a few days ago (with better jerseys) because I downloaded the game again to my other PC and then I could just log in to my uploads and redownload the teams I made. It went fine, but today when I clicked my uploads, it told me to login. I logged in, and then it said you are using an older version of the game, to update, go to When i pressed launch website, it redirected me to and the website said Not found the resource could not be found. After that, the online community button in the game is completely grayed out so i cant even click it now...

You need to go to the Steam version, link is in my signature, then download the free "Demo".
DBC Peformance issue with switchable graphics

Alright I know this thread is unnecessary as there's already one for bugs reporting but my comments in that forum always gets overwhelmed.

I just want Rose to reply and this is the only way for him to notice the issue I am having. (This thread maybe deleted once I get to the bottom of this issue, please let it be at least until Rose responds.) Thank you.

@rose Okay so I have something regarding a performance issue on laptop,
I get 60 FPS maxed out on my desktop but on my laptop, I hardly get 40 on minimum and 20 on maxed out while Fifa 14 runs at 60 fps maxed out on my DELL 3537

i5 4200u 2.3 Ghz,
4 GB 1600 Mhz DDR3 ram,
Dedicated ATI Radeon 8670m
1 gigs

It seems as if it doesn't use ATI's adapter but instead it forces itself to use Intel HD 4400 (built-in graphics adapter), it is kinda that is caused only when my laptop runs on Intel HD (switchable graphics).

8670 is the 8 series card of ATI while Don Bradman's minimum requirements has 3600 HD listed and Intel Dual Core processor at 2.2.

I know it's not a gaming laptop but if Fifa 14 runs at 60 fps maxed out why can't Don Bradman run at 60 fps on at least minimum graphics?.

I have no issues with it on my desktop which is powered by Nvidia XFX GTX 780 with Intel Core i7 2600k and 8 GIGS of 1600 Mhz ram. Don Bradman runs at 60 fps (fixed) maxed out.

PS: I have temporarily switched my card with my brother as he wanted to play Watchdogs -,-... I am still getting 45+ with GTS 250 maxed out. It's an old card, if that can run it at 45+ why can't my laptop -,-

EDIT: Lowered a few things to low instead of high, it's now running at 60 FPS on full HD resolution (1920x1080)... Seriously!!!... GTS 250 can run it smoothly but not 8670m! Guys please look into this issue!.

PS: I still have online connectivity issues as well, I'll get to @HBK619 regarding that soon with the beta testing thing.


EDIT: I didn't expect for this to be posted here lol.
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Hi Friends, As my Internet Connection is bit slow, i cant download teams. so could any one tell me how to download the teams manually outside the game. ;)
Hi Friends, As my Internet Connection is bit slow, i cant download teams. so could any one tell me how to download the teams manually outside the game. ;)

On console version then you are stuck

If PC version then post your steam ID and I am sure someone here can help you

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