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Moderate shots to take singles?

Hi guys. I am sorry if this has been covered before, but how do i play less aggressive shots to take singles? all my shots seem to be geared to hit boundaries even if i dont use modifier buttons. What to i do to nudge the ball around to take 1s and 2s?
just a few questions

hi there,
these may have already been asked, dont want to read through 700 pages
love the game however i am having problems with the D/L theory. i seem to end up losing overs and get a revised target but end up losing by the amount of runs difference. is it just me?
wondering if someone can help me out
i have become captain for my county team in career mode, but the only captain thing you do is the coin toss? is that all it is?

okay my steam id is sandeepnag as same as my planet cricket username ;)

Just searched for you on Steam, no such user name mate.

I know this has been asked before but never saw an answer for it. In career mode skills tab, do the skills ever become permanent? What is the differene between the blue and green skills and how do you get the level on the helmet to go up?
how the hell i m supposed to bat....its tooooooo difficult when facing pace..i have to premediate everytime.....spin i can face i know the controls....but at pro playing pace is not possible for one can react so fast...atleast on controller
how to play less aggressive shots to nudge a single or two?

It's not really possible. You can play a defensive shot and squeeze the shot modifier trigger a little, but I've only ever managed to nudge one single this way.
It was something that I brought up when the game was first released.
Another way I suppose, is to so badly time a shot it lacks power.


how the hell i m supposed to bat....its tooooooo difficult when facing pace..i have to premediate everytime.....spin i can face i know the controls....but at pro playing pace is not possible for one can react so fast...atleast on controller

Look, if an old guy like me can do it, you can. Get prepared to play the pace men off the back foot and look for the red short pitched delivery marker. If the ball is pitched up (orange or green) push the LS forward. Just concentrate on the length marker. If you are prepared to play back you only have to worry about playing forward. Well, that's my theory.
its sandeepnag3 and i have forgotten my id. :facepalm

Don't worry; its easy to find!

In the steam client; check the top bar; to the right of "community". That tells you what your Steam ID is. I'm uploading a screnshot so you know what I'm talking about: my ID is "IceAgeComing"; so whatever yours is should appear there on your computer.

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The simplest way - just go run the credits for the game, and then there's an id number in the corner next to the game version number.
So are many other people dealing with the freezing issue on career mode after a match? And anyone found a way around it?
Posting score to leaderbord

Hello guys

everytimes i finish a match i m stuck with this "posting score to leaderbord" i need to quit ( alt + F4) then relaunch again i m looking for the update 1 and 2 to fix that issue but i don't know where can i download these upadtes help plz:(

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