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Hi just wanted to ask one question, if this game works perfectly fine by which I mean smooth!! Will the final game work this way?
advanced block is the biggest "missing" shot I can see, people often get out to smother the spin but don't attack.

the rest is mere bagatelle.

I think they can still put it in the final game. They can use Advance+Defensive button combination. It is not assigned to anything yet. They have the animations in place, its just a few lines of codes which they may have to alter.
Hi just wanted to ask one question, if this game works perfectly fine by which I mean smooth!! Will the final game work this way?

Beware of thinking that way - remember you're just in the nets right now; the full game is likely to be a lot more taxing on the system. Hopefully it'll all be fine. :)


I think they can still put it in the final game. They can use Advance+Defensive button combination. It is not assigned to anything yet. They have the animations in place, its just a few lines of codes which they may have to alter.

Yeah; it would also be good to see defensive pushes that if timed properly can go for runs.
question for ross
is there a way we would be able to add our own music to the game, like in mlb the show series, we can share( not d-load) music from our console's HD. then we can use those tracks in perhaps entry music, or stadium bg music, different chants etc.
Just a thought, but this isn't going to be like the old Brian Lara games where if the ball is going miles wide and you don't do anything, the batsman's confidence goes down, and the bowler's goes up, is it? In my mind, if the ball isn't coming anywhere near me, I shouldn't even have to press 'Leave', I should just be able to glare at it with disdain as it passes me by. It's what I'm doing in the nets anyway, but I'm just wondering if doing that is going to be seen negatively in-game, when to me there's no need to even try and play a shot or anything because it's going so wide anyway. I'd rather not have to press 'Leave' every time that's going to happen either.
After my post regarding that I felt the pace was slow for fast bowling and that it should be more realistic for the hardest level it got me thinking. How does the game differ between the difficulty levels?
Is it just a case of less computer assistance and a smaller timing window while batting for the harder levels or is the ai more difficult to play against? Bowling less bad balls and to the field set for instance
Just a thought, but this isn't going to be like the old Brian Lara games where if the ball is going miles wide and you don't do anything, the batsman's confidence goes down, and the bowler's goes up, is it? In my mind, if the ball isn't coming anywhere near me, I shouldn't even have to press 'Leave', I should just be able to glare at it with disdain as it passes me by. It's what I'm doing in the nets anyway, but I'm just wondering if doing that is going to be seen negatively in-game, when to me there's no need to even try and play a shot or anything because it's going so wide anyway. I'd rather not have to press 'Leave' every time that's going to happen either.

I remember from the play session that there were some lines of commentary where the bowler was praised or the batsmen criticised for not playing a shot. I agree with you on this, and I know that in real life I walk away at wide ones and don't bother with a leave, so it would be a shame if the confidence was affected.
After my post regarding that I felt the pace was slow for fast bowling and that it should be more realistic for the hardest level it got me thinking. How does the game differ between the difficulty levels?
Is it just a case of less computer assistance and a smaller timing window while batting for the harder levels or is the ai more difficult to play against? Bowling less bad balls and to the field set for instance

I think its just like other games. The harder the difficulty the harder the opposition
After my post regarding that I felt the pace was slow for fast bowling and that it should be more realistic for the hardest level it got me thinking. How does the game differ between the difficulty levels?
Is it just a case of less computer assistance and a smaller timing window while batting for the harder levels or is the ai more difficult to play against? Bowling less bad balls and to the field set for instance
At the lower levels you can get away with no footwork and a bat movement similar to the direction of where you want it to go. At higher levels you have to do it for yourself. I think the HUD's become automatically minimal at higher levels.
Yeah there was a star rating, 5 star being the hardest but the opposition didn't get necessarily harder, it was a case of factors such as having a smaller timing window, increased edge attributes for example meaning there was less margin for error
Yeah there was a star rating, 5 star being the hardest but the opposition didn't get necessarily harder, it was a case of factors such as having a smaller timing window, increased edge attributes for example meaning there was less margin for error

Oh that makes my childhood much easier too understand
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