PS3 Version vs Xbox 360 Version

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It's xbox all of the way for me.

I assume you have Live so it's the only console you will really be able to still chat with your mates etc while playing the game. If there's any dlc, 360 will probably get it first and plus IMO there is less lag on xbox.

ps3 are also introducing cross chat feature whilst playing a different you can chat with your mates, alot of new stuff are coming out on the ps3 and on 29th June it will go premium which i will go for and around september the new motion controllers.And if people do not get the premium service you can still play online for free, but premium service will have more advantages obviously.:D
People who use the term "superior console" embarass themselves and make me laugh :laugh
Xbox a "superior console"? Right, so I guess you haven't heard of the crimson rings of death or the rather interesting fact that Blu-Ray holds infinitely more capacity than ancient DVDs - hell, you can have 2 or 3 full-length games and even add full 1080p video on it, whereas DVD limits everything. Not to mention that the PS3 has a more powerful graphics processor. Also, I find it rather hilarious that anyone would think something like Live, ridden with bugs and children online, would be considered "better", never mind the fact that you have to pay just to go online, anyway. Like other people have said, Cross Game chat is already set to be included. Of course, I suppose pirates would be turned off due to the fact that thanks to the PS3's superb processing power, you can't pirate a single PS3 game, ever, so I suppose there are people out there who think like that. Please, if you don't know anything about the PS3, keep your naive opinions to yourself - you'd just be embarrassing yourself.
Okay guys lets be clear. The whole PS3 versus Xbox thing has been done ad nausea in a thread specifically made for that "discussion".

If I am reading the question right its about which version of this particular game he should get, what the merits are of getting this game for Xbox or PS3. (if that is not the question then the whole discussion doesn't need to be played out here anyway)

That is a legitimate question for this part of the forums.

If anyone has a useful opinion about that specific question, go for it.

If this thread turns into a pointless "my milkshake brings more boys to the yard than your milkshake" battle then I will need to close it down.

Okay guys lets be clear. The whole PS3 versus Xbox thing has been done ad nausea in a thread specifically made for that "discussion".

If I am reading the question right its about which version of this particular game he should get, what the merits are of getting this game for Xbox or PS3. (if that is not the question then the whole discussion doesn't need to be played out here anyway)

That is a legitimate question for this part of the forums.

If anyone has a useful opinion about that specific question, go for it.

If this thread turns into a pointless "my milkshake brings more boys to the yard than your milkshake" battle then I will need to close it down.


Ha ha, love the way you put that mate! Fun being a mod, huh? It would be really annoying if there were any significant differences between PS3/Xbox 360, but there aren't usually in other games.
I thought ashes played slightly smoother on ps3. But that might just have been all in my mind! :doh
The only reason im going for x-box is cos i have to justify the ?35 i spent on the live subscription. And as for that guys comment about live being full of kids! Well have you been on playstation home? Jeeeeez i will say no more on that!
Both should be identicle. It will come down to the choice of the buyer.
Xbox a "superior console"? Right, so I guess you haven't heard of the crimson rings of death or the rather interesting fact that Blu-Ray holds infinitely more capacity than ancient DVDs - hell, you can have 2 or 3 full-length games and even add full 1080p video on it, whereas DVD limits everything. Not to mention that the PS3 has a more powerful graphics processor. Also, I find it rather hilarious that anyone would think something like Live, ridden with bugs and children online, would be considered "better", never mind the fact that you have to pay just to go online, anyway. Like other people have said, Cross Game chat is already set to be included. Of course, I suppose pirates would be turned off due to the fact that thanks to the PS3's superb processing power, you can't pirate a single PS3 game, ever, so I suppose there are people out there who think like that. Please, if you don't know anything about the PS3, keep your naive opinions to yourself - you'd just be embarrassing yourself.

I have not got the red ring of death on my Xbox 360 for what will soon be 3 years, so obviously I've done something right. You do have a point about the blu-rays however.

The graphics processor may be superior, but it does not matter except for minor differences as most games are made for the Xbox 360 and then ported to other consoles, so there will be very little - no improvement in games.

I've never experienced any of these bugs you describe with Live other, so I don't know what you're talking about. And if we're paying for Live, then that should mean that there are less kids online, than more as you have to have a credit card to pay for it.

Also, playing burned games can be done on a PS3 - all it requires is a mod chip.

Just thought I'd respond to that. Fluorescent this discussion if you really must continue it can be resumed here:
International Cricket 2010 - Xbox 360 - New Sealed - eBay (item 250651968193 end time Jul-15-10 14:22:04 PDT)

It seems as though the game is offered region-free on the Xbox 360?

Somebody buy this and find out :p

These tweaking ebay crooks always do this. They say its region free when its not to get suckers to buy their products and then the return policy will be a bitch so most people will just keep it.

Its not region free, stop clutching at straws or just go waste your money.
These tweaking ebay crooks always do this. They say its region free when its not to get suckers to buy their products and then the return policy will be a bitch so most people will just keep it.

Its not region free, stop clutching at straws or just go waste your money.
That's why I asked somebody else to buy it and find out for us :p

It seems as though (very unfortunately) I will have to play the game on PS3, and play with old cranky people (like hMarka)

Oh welll. Maybe I can finally show how much better I am than him at just about everything :p
old cranky people are the best to play with. Ill take banter with dutchad type anyday over a acne ridden and hormonal teenager.

Anyways, there was a similar issue with AC09, some EBAY retailers had the 360 version listed as region free, we all know now that it was not.
Xbox is better if you are going to play online a lot and care about ranking system.

AC2009 had a much better system for ranking for the Xbox version. It is based on "true skill" factor. PS3's ranking system is based on number of runs scored and wickets taken (It is a bit silly). On Xbox you could climbed in ranking pretty quickly if you could beat the top ranked players, on PS3 it can be a mountain to climb.

The other thing to take into account is that there are a lot more users on PS3 for cricket games than Xbox 360.

PS3 is a much better console than Xbox 360. I have used both and was a big fan of Xbox 360 but not anymore.

There are too many pirates on Xbox 360 scene. By buying the PS3 you will be supporting the developers of the game and better games in the future.
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